
A simple wrapper for baudehlo/node-phantom-simple with promise

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple wrapper for baudehlo/node-phantom-simple with promise

This module is API-compatible with node-phantom but doesn't rely on WebSockets / socket.io. In essence the communication between Node and Phantom / Slimer has been simplified significantly. It has the following advantages over node-phantom:

  • Fewer dependencies/layers.
  • Doesn't use the unreliable and huge socket.io.
  • Works under cluster (node-phantom does not, due to how it works) server.listen(0) works in cluster.
  • Supports SlimerJS.
  • Promise callback


npm install node-phantom-promise

# Also need phantomjs OR slimerjs:

npm install phantomjs
# OR
npm install slimerjs

Note. SlimerJS is not headless and requires a windowing environment. Under Linux/FreeBSD/OSX xvfb can be used to run headlessly.. For example, if you wish to run SlimerJS on Travis-CI, add those lines to your .travis.yml config:

  - export DISPLAY=:99.0
  - "sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start"


Refer to Usage in baudehlo/node-phantom-simple

** Please be aware that

  1. You should use it in promise style, put callback function in then or catch

  2. the argument err is moved to catch of promise chain, the rest argument will be available in then of promise chain


Highly recommended to use this with co

'use strict'

const co = require('co')
const driver = require('node-phantom-promise')
const phantomjs = require('phantomjs')
const wait = require('co-wait')

co(function* () {
  const browser = yield driver.create({path: phantomjs.path})

  const page = yield browser.createPage()

  const status = yield page.open('http://tilomitra.com/repository/screenscrape/ajax.html')

  console.log('opened site? ', status)

  yield page.includeJs('http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js')

  // jQuery Loaded.
  // Wait for a bit for AJAX content to load on the page. Here, we are waiting 5 seconds.
  yield wait(5000)

  const result = yield page.evaluate(function () {
    // Get what you want from the page using jQuery. A good way is to populate an object with all the jQuery commands that you need and then return the object.
    const h2Arr = []
    const pArr = []

    $('h2').each(function () {
    $('p').each(function () {

    return {
      h2: h2Arr,
      p: pArr


}).catch(function (err) {

Or using ES7 async/await with babel

import driver from 'node-phantom-promise'
import phantomjs from 'phantomjs'
import sleep from 'sleep-promise'

!async function () {
  const browser = await driver.create({path: phantomjs.path})

  const page = await browser.createPage()

  const status = await page.open('http://tilomitra.com/repository/screenscrape/ajax.html')

  console.log('opened site? ', status)

  await page.includeJs('http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js')

  // jQuery Loaded.
  // Wait for a bit for AJAX content to load on the page. Here, we are waiting 5 seconds.
  await sleep(5000)

  const result = await page.evaluate(function () {
    // Get what you want from the page using jQuery. A good way is to populate an object with all the jQuery commands that you need and then return the object.
    const h2Arr = $('h2').map((index, el) => el.innerHTML).get()
    const pArr = $('p').map((index, el) => el.innerHTML).get()

    return {
      h2: h2Arr,
      p: pArr


}().catch((err) => {

But no one will stop you from using the old school way

'use strict'

const driver = require('node-phantom-promise')
const phantomjs = require('phantomjs')

driver.create({path: phantomjs.path}).then(function (browser) {
  return browser.createPage().then(function (page) {
    return page.open('http://tilomitra.com/repository/screenscrape/ajax.html').then(function (status) {
      console.log('opened site? ', status)

      return page.includeJs('http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js').then(function () {
        // jQuery Loaded.
        // Wait for a bit for AJAX content to load on the page. Here, we are waiting 5 seconds.
        setTimeout(function () {
          page.evaluate(function () {
            // Get what you want from the page using jQuery. A good way is to populate an object with all the jQuery commands that you need and then return the object.
            const h2Arr = []
            const pArr = []

            $('h2').each(function () {
            $('p').each(function () {

            return {
              h2: h2Arr,
              p: pArr
          }).then(function (result) {
          }).catch(function (err) {
        }, 5000)
}).catch(function (err) {