
something to make web sql sweeter

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Use this to build data access layers on top of websql, e.g:

var db = require('websql-sugar')({ name: 'mydb', version: '1.1' })

module.exports = {
    listScans: function (cb) {
        // readonly api
        // select queries can be issued from newTx() too 
        // the singleSelectCallback will require the user of the result to write less boilerplate code
        // and just handle the actual data
        db.newRtx().query('SELECT * FROM scan').execute(db.singleSelectCallback(cb))

    insertFoo: function (x, y, cb) {
            .query('INSERT INTO foo (x, y) VALUES (?, ?)',[x, y])

    updateScan: function (endTime, infected, id, cb) {
            // can just pass the arguments if they appear in the same order of the query parameters
            .query('UPDATE scan SET end=?, infected=? WHERE id=?', arguments) 

What's wrong with websql api?

  1. who designs properties that throws exceptions? printing objects is like walking in a mine field and that is exactly what happens in a websql query result!

  2. the callbacks are not in node.js convention :(