
This is a game i was developing using GameMaker Studio 2

Primary LanguageYacc

Welcome to Project Orchard

This game was planned out to be a multi charactor/class RPG platform game, focusing on stratagy, combat and story. I started developing this game using GameMaker Studio, but desided that this engine wasent entirely suitable for the type of game that I was developing, I am planning on building a simular gaming using the Open Sorce engine Godot.

What this game already has

  • theres multiple classes with diffrent abilitys
  • charactors have movement
  • fully working combat system
  • enemys and bosses
  • autosave
  • pause menu
  • start menu wehre you can chose to continue for last save or create new game
  • wall climbing, jumping

Things that were in development

  • options menu
  • multiple saves
  • Good npc
  • doors

things that haddent been started

  • crafting menu
  • shop system
  • weapon spwaning
  • block braking
  • armor