
Automated Arch Linux Installer Plus Scripts

Primary LanguageShell


This script will automate the installation of Arch Linux. Will install the base Arch Linux system along with some other extra packages, as well as some optional packages. A AUR(Arch User Repository). helper called 'Yay' will also be installed. Below is the list of tasks that the script does, in order of execution.

  • Ask to selected drive that will be use for the install of Arch. All data on drive will be "wiped".
  • Ask for the Hostname for the computer
  • Ask for a Password for root user
  • Ask for Username for a normal user account
  • Ask for a Password for given Username
  • Optional package selection
  • Speed rate the pacman mirror list
  • Wipe the selected drive and uses GPT for the partition scheme
  • Setup the first partition as a 512M EFI partition
  • The seconed as a 2GB swap partition
  • The rest of the drive will be the main root(/) partition
  • Installs all required packages
  • Setup fstab
  • Install rEFInd bootloader
  • Setup user account
  • Config network interface to use DHCP, using systemd-networkd as the network manager
  • Common system configurations & optimizations
  • Packman hooks to update 'mirrors', bootloader & remove old cached pacman files
  • Install AUR Helper


Explicit Packages

  • base = Base arch linux system packages
  • base-devel = Base packages to compile packages from aur
  • refind-efi = UEFI Boot Manager - Built with GNU-EFI libs

Optional Packages

  • openssh = Free version of the SSH connectivity tool
  • reflector = Retrieve and filter the latest Pacman mirror list
  • mlocate = Merging locate/updatedb implementation
  • pkgfile = A pacman files metadata explorer
  • pacman-contrib = Contributed scripts and tools for pacman systems

Aur Packages

  • yay = Pacman wrapper and AUR helper written in go.

Extra Packages

  • alsa-utils = An implementation of Linux sound support -- If audio device is detected
  • open-vm-tools = Open source implementation of VMware Tools -- If running in a VMware environment
  • virtualbox-guest-utils = VirtualBox Guest userspace utilities -- If running in a VirtualBox environment
  • qemu-guest-agent = QEMU/KVM Guest userspace utilities -- If running in a QEMU/KVM environment

Download & Run

Download the latest ISO from archlinux.org, then boot into the live ISO(Archiso). Once the installer boots, run the following commands to download and execute the install script.

$ curl -SLO https://github.com/fordetek/arch-installer/archive/master.tar.gz
$ tar zxf master.tar.gz && cd arch-installer-master
$ sh base.sh