
configure the external configuration in ~/.grails/appName/files(Config.groovy,grails-app/i18n,web-app/)

Primary LanguageGroovy


When your web app production deploy into more than one scenes,there will be many customized contents,such as customer logo,local configration or the i18n code label. With localhome-custom plugin,you can customize the local customer logo(the default in web-app directory),local i18n properties,and add the localhome configure file into grails.config.locations

Customed Contents

All the customized content will be put into local user home directory

  • For Unix/Linux: ~/.grails/appName
  • For window: Documents and Settings\User\.grails\appName

I18n properties

The i18n files will be in local user home's grails-app/i18n directory,the plugins will add the home i18n properties into the messageSource bean.

Note:the properties should be encoded as UTF-8

Web-app resources

The customized resources (images,icon,css etc) will be in local user home's web-app/,so if you wanna customize the customer's theme,icon,logo ,you can put the customer's resouces into the web-app directory.