
Docker images for OpenZipkin

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status zipkin-base zipkin-cassandra zipkin-collector zipkin-query zipkin-web

This project contains Dockerfiles for producing images for each of the components in a full Zipkin stack. Automatically built images are available on Quay.io under the OpenZipkin organization, and are mirrored to Docker Hub.


This project is configured to run docker containers using docker-compose. Note that the default configuration requires docker-compose 1.6.0+ and docker-engine 1.10.0+. If you are running older versions, see the Legacy section below.

To start the default docker-compose configuration, run:

$ docker-compose up

View the web UI at $(docker ip):8080.

To see specific traces in the UI, select "zipkin-query" in the dropdown and then click the "Find Traces" button.


The default docker-compose configuration defined in docker-compose.yml is backed by a single-node Cassandra. This configuration starts each of the Zipkin services in their own containers: zipkin-cassandra, zipkin-query, and zipkin-web, and configures required dependencies.


The docker-compose configuration can be extended to use MySQL instead of Cassandra, using the docker-compose-mysql.yml file. That file employs docker-compose overrides to swap out one storage container for another.

To start the MySQL-backed configuration, run:

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-mysql.yml up


The docker-compose configuration can be extended to use Kafka instead of Scribe, using the docker-compose-kafka.yml file.

To start the Kafka-backed configuration, run:

$ HOSTNAME=myhostname -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-kafka.yml up


The Cassandra and MySQL docker-compose files described above use version 2 of the docker-compose config file format. There is a legacy version 1 configuration also available, in the docker-compose-legacy.yml file. That configuration relies on container linking, and runs the legacy zipkin-collector container.

To start the legacy configuration, run:

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-legacy.yml up

Runtime configuration

Most runtime configuration is handled with environment variables. Some of the available environment variables are not docker-specific, and as such they are documented in the main Zipkin repo, as follows:

Additionally, docker-specific environment variables are described below. See the docker-compose files for examples of how these variables may be set.


Both the zipkin-query and the zipkin-collector containers need to be configured to talk to a storage backend. The backend is determined by the STORAGE_TYPE environment variable. The currently available storage types are "cassandra" or "mysql".

If STORAGE_TYPE=cassandra, then the container expects for one of these two additional environment variables to be set:

  • CASSANDRA_CONTACT_POINTS -- A comma-separated list of one or more Cassandra nodes listening on port 9042.
  • STORAGE_PORT_9042_TCP_ADDR -- A Cassandra node listening on port 9042. This environment variable is typically set by linking a container running zipkin-cassandra as "storage" when you start the container.

If STORAGE_TYPE=mysql, then the container expects for one of these two additional environment variables to be set:

  • MYSQL_HOST -- A MySQL node listening on port 3306.
  • STORAGE_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR -- A MySQL node listening on port 3306. This environment variable is typically set by linking a container running zipkin-mysql as "storage" when you start the container.


The zipkin-query, zipkin-web, and zipkin-collector containers use the TRANSPORT_TYPE environment variable to configure how they send and receive data.

For the query and web containers, if TRANSPORT_TYPE=http, then the container will send trace data via http to the zipkin-query service. If TRANSPORT_TYPE=scribe, then the container will send trace data via scribe to the zipkin-collector service. If TRANSPORT_TYPE is unset, then the container will not trace requests that they receive.

For the collector container, if TRANSPORT_TYPE=scribe, then the container will run a scribe collector on port 9410. If TRANSPORT_TYPE=kafka, then the container will also poll Kafka, and expects one of these two additional environment variables to be set:

  • KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER -- A node and port where Zookeeper is running.
  • KAFKA_PORT_2181_TCP_ADDR -- A zookeeper node listening on port 2181. This environment variable is typically set by linking a container running zipkin-kafka as "kafka" when you start the container.


The zipkin-collector, zipkin-query, and zipkin-web containers honor the JAVA_OPTS environment variable, which can be used to set heap size, trust store location or other JVM system properties.


All images share a base image, zipkin-base, which is built on the Alpine-based image delitescere/java:8, which is much smaller than the previously used debian:sid-based image.