ArchivesSpace Request Fulfillment via Aeon

Version: 20180125

Last Updated: January 25, 2018

Table of Contents

  1. ArchivesSpace Request Fulfillment via Aeon
    1. Table of Contents
    2. Overview
    3. Changelog
    4. Configuring Plugin Settings
      1. All Aeon Fulfillment Plugin Configuration Options
      2. Example Configuration
    5. Imported Fields
      1. Common Fields
      2. Archival Object Fields
      3. Accession Fields
    6. OpenURL Mappings


This plugin adds a new request button to archival objects that allows researchers to place Aeon requests for archival objects discovered via the ArchivesSpace Public User Interface.

The functionality provided by this plugin is meant to replace the existing Public UI request action functionality for archival objects. As such, it is recommended that the built in functionality be disabled by setting AppConfig[:pui_page_actions_request] = false or by removing :archival_object from your AppConfig[:pui_requests_permitted_for_types] setting. The latter will allow you to use Aeon to fulfill archival_object requests, while still allowing other object types to be requested via the default email functionality. By using the 'per repository' configuration options for the built in PUI requesting functionality, it is also possible to configure some repositories to continue using the built in PUI requesting feature for archival objects while allowing other repositories to use Aeon.

This plugin has been tested on version 2.2.0 of ArchivesSpace. Future releases of ArchivesSpace may cause changes in the functionality of this plugin.


  • 20170809
    • Initial release of this ArchivesSpace plugin
    • Added support for sending requests for Archival Objects to Aeon
  • 20171110
    • Added readme to include configuration resources
    • Removed an unused control
  • 20171204
    • Changes to readme and configuration resources
    • Bug fixes
  • 20180111
    • Moved core functionality out of the .erb
    • Added support for sending requests for Accessions to Aeon
    • Bug fixes

Configuring Plugin Settings

In order to configure this plugin, you will need to modify the config/config.rb file of your ArchivesSpace installation. To enable the plugin, you will need to add the following to the configuration file.

AppConfig[:plugins] << 'aeon_fulfillment'
AppConfig[:aeon_fulfillment] = {}

Next, you will need to add the appropriate settings appropriate values for each repository that will use the plugin. In the sample below, replace {repo_code} with the repository code for each repository. The repo_code is also known as the repository's short name. The repo_code must be written using lower-case.

AppConfig[:aeon_fulfillment]['{repo_code}'] = {}
AppConfig[:aeon_fulfillment]['{repo_code}'][:aeon_web_url] = "{Your aeon web url}"
AppConfig[:aeon_fulfillment]['{repo_code}'][:aeon_return_link_label] = "{The text for the return link from Aeon}"

For example, to configure the plugin for a repository that has the short name "ATLAS", add the following to config.rb.

AppConfig[:plugins] << 'aeon_fulfillment'
AppConfig[:aeon_fulfillment] = {}
AppConfig[:aeon_fulfillment]['atlas'] = {}
AppConfig[:aeon_fulfillment]['atlas'][:aeon_web_url] = ""
AppConfig[:aeon_fulfillment]['atlas'][:aeon_return_link_label] = "ArchivesSpace"

This plugin configuration can also be formatted using the implicit form of a Ruby hash.

AppConfig[:plugins] << 'aeon_fulfillment'
AppConfig[:aeon_fulfillment] = {
    "atlas" => {
        :aeon_web_url => "",
        :aeon_external_system_id => "ArchivesSpace"
    "test-repo" => {
        :aeon_web_url => "",
        :aeon_external_system_id => "ArchivesSpace Test Tepo"

All Aeon Fulfillment Plugin Configuration Options

  • :aeon_web_url. (Required). This setting specifies the web url that points to an Aeon installation. The plugin will send requests to this url, after adding the external requests endpoint (aeon.dll?action=11&type=200) to the end.

  • :aeon_return_link_label. (Required). This setting specifies the text that will display on the button that takes users back to ArchivesSpace.

  • :requests_permitted_for_containers_only. This settings specifies whether requests are limited to resources with top containers only. The default for this setting is false.

  • :aeon_external_system_id. This setting specifies the System ID, which is used by Aeon to determine which mapping rules to use from its OpenURLMapping table. Each repository configuration can have their own System ID or they can have a duplicate System ID.

Example Configuration

AppConfig[:plugins] << "aeon_fulfillment"

AppConfig[:aeon_fulfillment] = {
    "special research collections" => {
        :aeon_web_url => "",        
        :aeon_return_link_label => "Back to ArchivesSpace",
        :aeon_external_system_id => "ArchivesSpace",
        :requests_permitted_for_containers_only => true
    "test special collections" => {
        :aeon_web_url => "",
        :aeon_return_link_label => "Back to ArchivesSpace",
        :aeon_external_system_id => "ArchivesSpace Test",
        :requests_permitted_for_containers_only => false        

Imported Fields

This plugin builds a form that is sent to Aeon through the external requests (aeon.dll?action=11&type=200) endpoint of your Aeon installation. Below are the names of the fields as they will appear in the request.

Common Fields

These fields are imported from both Archival Object records and Accession records.

  • SystemID
  • ReturnLinkURL
  • ReturnLinkSystemName
  • identifier
  • publish (true/false value)
  • level
  • title
  • uri
  • collection_id
  • collection_title
  • repo_code
  • repo_name
  • language
  • restrictions_apply (true/false value)
  • display_string
  • creators
    • semi-colon (;) separated string list
  • accessrestrict
    • semi-colon (;) separated string list
    • contains the content from accessrestrict subnotes
  • physical_location_note
    • semi-colon (;) separated string list
    • contains the content from physloc notes
  • {date_label}_date
    • semi-colon (;) separated string list
    • contains the content from the expressions of the record's related dates
    • The plugin will group all of the related dates of each record based on the date's label. For each distinct date label of the dates that are linked to the record, the request to Aeon will contain a distinct date parameter. Some examples of what to expect for the name of this field include creation_date, event_date, and other_date. The full list of values that could appear in place of the {date_label} placeholder is controlled by the date_label enumeration of your ArchivesSpace installation.

The following fields are common to both Accession records and Archival Object records, but are based on the number of instances associated with the record. The number of requests sent to Aeon is equal to the number of instances associated with the record. If there are no instances, only one request will be sent to Aeon. All of these fields are dependant on the number of instances, and the values of each may differ from instance to instance.

  • instance_is_representative
  • instance_last_modified_by
  • instance_instance_type
  • instance_created_by
  • instance_container_grandchild_indicator
  • instance_container_child_indicator
  • instance_container_grandchild_type
  • instance_container_child_type
  • instance_container_last_modified_by
  • instance_container_created_by
  • instance_top_container_ref
  • instance_top_container_uri
  • instance_top_container_long_display_string
  • instance_top_container_last_modified_by
  • instance_top_container_display_string
  • instance_top_container_restricted
  • instance_top_container_created_by
  • instance_top_container_indicator
  • instance_top_container_barcode
  • instance_top_container_type
  • instance_top_container_collection_identifier (semi-colon (;) separated string list)
  • instance_top_container_collection_display_string (semi-colon (;) separated string list)
  • instance_top_container_series_identifer (semi-colon (;) separated string list)
  • instance_top_container_series_display_string (semi-colon (;) separated string list)

Archival Object Fields

In addition to the fields specified above, the following additional fields are specific to requests made for Archival Object records.

  • repository_processing_note
  • component_id

Accession Fields

In addition to the fields specified above, the following additional fields are specific to requests made for Accession records.

  • use_restrictions_note
  • access_restrictions_note
  • language
    • This field is also present on most Archival Object requests, but it is mapped from a different location for Accession requests.

OpenURL Mappings

Below is a list of recommended Open URL mappings that should be set in Aeon.

The rfr_id column should exactly match the configured :aeon_external_system_id for each repository. Multiple repositories can have the same or different System IDs.

The AeonFieldName column should exactly match an Aeon field name.

Each value in the OpenURLFieldValues should contain a <#replacement-tag> that has a name that matches one of the field names from the Imported Fields section.

For more information on configuring Aeon for this system, please visit the Submitting Requests via OpenURL page of our documentation at

INSERT INTO OpenURLMapping (URL_Ver, rfr_id, AeonAction, AeonFieldName, OpenURLFieldValues, AeonValue) VALUES ('Default', 'ArchivesSpace', 'Replace', 'ItemAuthor', '<#creators>', 'NULL');
INSERT INTO OpenURLMapping (URL_Ver, rfr_id, AeonAction, AeonFieldName, OpenURLFieldValues, AeonValue) VALUES ('Default', 'ArchivesSpace', 'Replace', 'ItemDate', '<#creation_date>', 'NULL');
INSERT INTO OpenURLMapping (URL_Ver, rfr_id, AeonAction, AeonFieldName, OpenURLFieldValues, AeonValue) VALUES ('Default', 'ArchivesSpace', 'Replace', 'ItemTitle', '<#title>', 'NULL');
INSERT INTO OpenURLMapping (URL_Ver, rfr_id, AeonAction, AeonFieldName, OpenURLFieldValues, AeonValue) VALUES ('Default', 'ArchivesSpace', 'Replace', 'Location', '<#instance_top_container_long_display_string>', 'NULL');
INSERT INTO OpenURLMapping (URL_Ver, rfr_id, AeonAction, AeonFieldName, OpenURLFieldValues, AeonValue) VALUES ('Default', 'ArchivesSpace', 'Replace', 'ItemNumber', '<#instance_top_container_barcode>', 'NULL');
INSERT INTO OpenURLMapping (URL_Ver, rfr_id, AeonAction, AeonFieldName, OpenURLFieldValues, AeonValue) VALUES ('Default', 'ArchivesSpace', 'Replace', 'ItemISxN', '<#physical_location_note>', 'NULL');
INSERT INTO OpenURLMapping (URL_Ver, rfr_id, AeonAction, AeonFieldName, OpenURLFieldValues, AeonValue) VALUES ('Default', 'ArchivesSpace', 'Replace', 'ItemCallNumber', '<#physical_location_note>', 'NULL');
INSERT INTO OpenURLMapping (URL_Ver, rfr_id, AeonAction, AeonFieldName, OpenURLFieldValues, AeonValue) VALUES ('Default', 'ArchivesSpace', 'Replace', 'CallNumber', '<#physical_location_note>|<#collection_id>', 'NULL');