
Streaming of Fine tuned LLM Response using Fast API

Primary LanguagePython

Streaming a FineTuned LLM response with FastAPI

This repo contains information of how to stream the responses of a fine tune LLM, with the help of Fast API. For more information on this please go through this medium article

Fast API streaming

Go to the file src/fast_trial.py to understand, how streaming works in Fast API

LLM streaming

Go to the file src/fast_llm.py to understand, how streaming works in case of LLM and Fast API

Langchain Streaming

Go to the file src/fast_langchain.py for streaming using langchain. OpenAI model was used in this. A custom handler was created in src/handlers.py


The following commands are to be run in command line

cd src

# For running trial
uvicorn fast_trial:app

# For running local llm streaming
uvicorn fast_llm:app

# For running Langchain Streaming
uvicorn fast_langchain:app


For testing please take a look at src/stream_test.py.

You can also take a look at the notebook notebooks/stream_test.py


For any questions of support, please create an issue or mail to jaswanth04@gmail.com