
This repository is the ever-changing boilerplate of my preferred development stack and workflow for simple web projects. Components include:


No setup is needed to modify content of existing pages. Just modify the Markdown files for the page under content/ directly in Github or locally with your preferred editor. To preview changes before they are deployed, open a pull request and a preview site will be deployed for your branch.

To test changes locally or create new pages:

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Run npm install in the root directory of your clone.


To test the site locally, run npm start, then navigate to the prompted web page in your browser (usually http://localhost:1313/). It should automatically refresh whenever you make a change.

To create a new page, run npm run new path/to/new/ where path/to/new/ is the location of the page on the site (aka. relative to content/).

To deploy the site manually, run npm run build and copy public/ to your server's web root. This should not normally be necessary since the site is automatically deployed whenever the main branch is updated.


This site uses Hugo's default directory structure.

  • archetypes/ contains templates to simplify creating new pages. See docs.
  • assets/ contains non-HTML files which are preprocessed with Hugo Pipes like images, SCSS, and TypeScript.
  • content/ contains Markdown files to define the site's page content. See docs.
  • layouts/ contains HTML templates which define the site's structure. See docs
  • laouts/partials/ contains partial pages which are used in other templates.
  • layouts/shortcodes/ contains shortcode definitions which can be used from Markdown content See docs.
  • resources/ is a cache for assets that have been processed. It should not be modified by hand.
  • static/ contains additional files which do not need preprocessing and are made available on the site as-is.
  • package.json contains versions for the site's dependencies. While these are typically used from TypeScript, some like Font Awesome and UIKit also have content referenced from SCSS or directly mounted into static/ via config.toml. See docs
  • config.toml is the Hugo configuration file. See docs.