
Python library and tools for handling shell items / property lists and stores / and extension blocks. This project is for learning purposes and is not maintained.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

A Python library for parsing Shell Items/Extension Blocks/Property Stores.

Handled Shell Items

Name Class Type Signature Handled Notes
File entry shell item 0x30 after applying a bitmask of 0x70 Partly Not handled for pre Windows XP
Application shell item NA 0x53505041 ('APPS') Yes
Control panel category shell item 0x01 0x39de2184 Yes
URI shell item 0x61 Partly Not handled for data size > 0
Users property view shell item 0x23febbee,0x10141981,0x3b93afbb,0xbeebee00 Partly More work needs to be done
Users property view delegate item 0x1F 0x23a3dfd5 Yes
URI shell item 0x61 Partly Needs verification with FTP data

Handled Extension Blocks

Signature Handled Notes
BEEF0004 Yes
BEEF0013 Yes Mainly unknown
BEEF0019 Yes
BEEF0025 Yes
BEEF0026 Yes

ShellItem Corpus

The corpus folder contains a lot of shell items files that were collected via the extract_shellbags.py and extract_shellitems_from_lnk.py scripts from public images in an effort to inventory the different shell items and keep tabs on what this library can currently parse. I would like to work to make this more of a unique structure list.


Parse a raw file containing a shell item or a folder of shell items. This script looks for 
*.shellitem or *BagMRU.* file names.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
                        The source folder or file.

Example output

pyshellitems\scripts>python parse_shellitems.py -s ..\corpus\defctf18-01-administrator-BagMRU.
Source: ..\corpus\defctf18-01-administrator-BagMRU.
Parsing: ..\corpus\defctf18-01-administrator-BagMRU.
{"type": "0x31", "sub_flag": "0x01", "file_size": 0, "modified": 2383432939, "file_attributes": 16, "name": "original", "extension_block": {"signature": "BEEF0004", "version": 9, "created": 2382908651, "accessed": 2383432939, "identifier": 46, "mft_reference": 2533274790508926, "long_name": "original", "localized_name": null, "version_offset": 24}}
pyshellitems\scripts>python parse_shellitems.py -s ..\corpus\0x00.011caadadcea41258b29ff1b268f17a8.1.shellitem
Source: ..\corpus\0x00.011caadadcea41258b29ff1b268f17a8.1.shellitem
Parsing: ..\corpus\0x00.011caadadcea41258b29ff1b268f17a8.1.shellitem
{"type": "0x00", "unknown1": 0, "size2": 284, "signature": "APPS", "property_store_size": 266, "property_store": [{"version": "1SPS", "guid": "b725f130-47ef-101a-a5f1-02608c9eebac", "values": [{"identifier": "001F [VT_LPWSTR]", "value": ""}]}, {"version": "1SPS", "guid": "9f4c2855-9f79-4b39-a8d0-e1d42de1d5f3", "values": [{"identifier": "001F [VT_LPWSTR]", "value": "windows.immersivecontrolpanel_cw5n1h2txyewy!microsoft.windows.immersivecontrolpanel"}]}]}


This tool uses the yarp library to extract out shellbags into files. This tool can be used to create a shellitem corpus for research and testing purposes.

usage: extract_shellbags.py [-h] -s SOURCE [-p PREFIX] -o OUTPUT

Extract shellbags from usrclass hive for research purposes.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
                        The source USRCLASS.DAT file.
  -p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
                        Prefix to append to file names.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        The output folder.


This tool uses pylnk to recurse a link file's target data to extract out shell items. This tool can be used to create a shellitem corpus for research and testing purposes.

usage: extract_shellitems_from_lnk.py [-h] -s SOURCE -o OUTPUT

Extract shell items from link files for research purposes.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
                        The source folder or link file.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        The output folder.