
Active learning for coreference resolution using discrete annotation

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Active learning for coreference resolution using discrete annotation

This is the corresponding code for the ACL 2020 paper, Active Learning for Coreference Resolution using Discrete Selection.


  1. Install Anaconda here: https://conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/index.html
  2. Create a new environment: conda create -n discrete_al_coref python=3.7
  3. Activate your environment: conda activate discrete_al_coref
  4. Install all requisite libraries: pip install -r requirements.txt.


We use data from the English CoNLL-2012 coreference dataset, which can be obtained by following this link.

Please modify train_data_path, validation_data_path, and test_data_path in training_config/coref.jsonnet to point to your download location.


Simulating Training with Active Learning

To simulate active learning with discrete annotation, run

python run_train.py {index of CUDA device to run on (-1 for CPU)} \
    -e {save_dir} \
    -s {entropy/qbc{num_submodels}/score/random} \
    --labels_to_query {num_labels_per_doc} \

To start with, you can set num_labels_per_doc to 20. We were able to get 57.08 valid F1 with this setting. In the paper, we reported results for labels between 0 and 200 (corresponding to 0 to ~65 minutes per document of annotation time).

To simulate active learning using pairwise entropy, score, or random selection (Note: pairwise annotation does not yet support query-by-committee)

python run_train.py {index of CUDA device to run on (-1 for CPU)} \
    -p \
    -e {save_dir} \
    -s {entropy/score/random} \
    --labels_to_query {num_labels_per_doc} \

To simulate active learning with unclustered selectors

python run_train.py {index of CUDA device to run on (-1 for CPU)} \
    -nc \
    [-p] \
    -e {save_dir} \
    -s {entropy/qbc{num_submodels}/score/random} \
    --labels_to_query {num_labels_per_doc} \

Model checkpoints will be saved under {save_dir}/checkpoint_{num_labels_per_doc}. Results will be under {save_dir}/{num_labels_per_doc}.json and query information under {save_dir}/{num_labels_per_doc}_query_info.json (which can be used to compute annotation time).

Note for the qbc selector, you must additionally specify the number of submodels you wish to run with. For example, if you wish to run with 3 submodels, you should specify qbc3 as the selector. If you wish to run with 5 submodels, specify qbc5, etc.

Also, you may set the --save_al_queries flag, which will save up to 10K queries per active learning iteration in {save_dir}/saved_queries_epoch_{epoch}.json.

Launching Annotation Interface for Timing Experiments

Annotation Interface Screenshot To launch our discrete annotation interface and/or run your own timing experiments:

  1. cd timing_experiments
  2. Launch the server on an open port (i.e. 8080): python server.py -p {port}
  3. Change the address on line 114 of timing_experiments/experiment.js to point to your server (i.e. http://{your server address}/reciever).
  4. Serve the UI on another port: In another terminal window/pane, cd to timing_experiments again. In this window, run python -m http.server {port2} (where port2 != port).
  5. Open a browser and navigate to {your machine IP address}:{port2}/instructions.html to begin the timing experiments.
  6. After completing the timing experiments, the server will automatically save the user's timing results to a JSON file under timing_experiments/timing_results. These results are a list of actions, each of which take the form:
        question number,
        user input (pair_yes/pair_no/discrete_submit),
        start time,
        end time,
        list of selected discrete tokens (if input was discrete_submit)
    a. If you wish to change the location of the save directory, modify line 12 in timing_experiments/server.py.

Alternatively, you may check out the demo we have set up here. However, completing the experiments here will save the timing results to our server (if it is up).


If you found this useful, please cite:

    title={Active Learning for Coreference Resolution using Discrete Annotation},
    author={Belinda Z. Li and Gabriel Stanovsky and Luke Zettlemoyer},
    publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}