
Exercises to Understand the DeepCubeA Algorithm

Primary LanguagePython

DeepCubeA Exercises

These are exercises to understand the DeepCubeA algorithm.

These exercises are for anyone who is getting started with deep reinforcement learning and search. The goal of these exercises is to implement a method that learns to solve the 8-puzzle. The solutions to these exercises can be run on a standard laptop CPU in less than 10 minutes. Sample outputs of solutions to each exercise are also provided in sample_outputs/.

This currently contains one exercise. More to come.

For any issues, please contact Forest Agostinelli (foresta@cse.sc.edu)


These exercises require Python3, PyTorch, and numpy.

Exercise 1: Supervised Learning

We would like to build a DNN that learns to approximate the cost-to-go from any state of the 8-puzzle to the goal state (the configuration of the solution). This also corresponds to the minimum number of moves required to solve the state.

For this exercise, there is an oracle that can tell us the cost-to-go for any state. All we have to do is design a DNN architecture that can map any 8-puzzle state to its estimated cost-to-go.

To complete this exercise, you will have to implement:

  • get_nnet_model in to_implement/functions.py
    • This method returns the pytorch model (torch.nn.Module) that maps any 8-puzzle state to its cost-to-go.
    • The dimensionality of the input will be (B x 81), where B is the batch size. This is because the 8-puzzle has 9 tiles, including the blank tile. The representation given to the neural network is a one-hot representation for each tile. The dimensionality of the output will be (B x 1).
  • train_nnet in to_implement/functions.py
    • This method trains the pytorch model

Exercise 2: Approximate Value Iteration

The assumption of having an oracle is too strong for most real-world applications. Therefore, we turn to value iteration which allows us to approximate the cost-to-go from scratch. In this setting, we start with a naive cost-to-go (a randomly initialized neural network) and use the Bellman equation to obtain an updated estimate of the cost-to-go. We then train the neural network to match this updated estimate. We iterate this process, bootstrapping from previous estimates to obtain updated estimates.

Traditional value iteration stores all possible states and their corresponding cost-to-go in a table and updates them using the Bellman equation. However, we cannot store all possible states in a table for environments with large state spaces. Therefore, we turn to approximate value iteration and use a neural network to approximate the cost-to-go.

Value iteration is outlined in chapter 4 of Sutton and Barto's (S&B) reinforcement learning book. One key difference is that, in S&B, they are maximizing value, while in this context, we are minimizing cost. See the DeepCubeA paper for this version of value iteration.

For speed considerations, it is important to batch data sent to the neural network instead of doing it in a loop. The functions misc_utils.flatten and misc_utils.unflatten may help you with this when implementing value iteration.

Use env.state_to_nnet_input(states) to convert a list of states to their numpy representation.

Use env.expand(states) to get a list of next states for each state as well as the transition costs