
A simple console application used to restart a device (in this case, the integrated graphics adapter) in the Windows 10 Device Manager list.

Table of Contents


Some machines have both an (a) integrated graphics adapter and a (b) discreet, hardware GPU. Things can get a bit funky when...

  • The Windows 10 system goes in/out of sleep mode (e.g. power saving mode) and/or...
  • The attached monitor support multiple refresh rates (e.g. 60hz and 120hz)

I purchased a Razor Blade Studio laptop, but there are times, when operating in "second screen only" mode (Win + P) that the "current refresh rate" in the display adapter does not sync. I've been unable to troubleshoot the issue beyond either (1) a computer restart or (2) disabling/re-enabling the integrated graphics adapter.

This console app makes it easy to do (2).

Getting Started


  • Developed and built using Visual Studio 2019
  • Tested on Windows 10

Executing program

  • Simply run InternalDisplayAdapterManagerApp.exe (must be run with Administrator privileges)

Version History

  • 1.0.1
    • Added automated bits to require elevated permissions when running the application
  • 1.0.0
    • First working version
  • 0.1.0
    • First commit


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
