
A character display class for controlling the mini graphic LCD AQM1248A with the micropython esp8266.

There are one external dependences, it is "machine" class.

New module aqm1248largechrlcd

Displayed large font size is 15x21.


import machine
import aqm1248largechrlcd
hspi = machine.SPI(1)
lcd = aqm1248largechrlcd.LargeChrLcd( hspi, cs_pin=2, rs_pin=15 )
lcd.write( 'Micro\n' )
lcd.write( 'Python' )  

Second module aqm1248midchrlcd

Displayed medium font size is 10x14.


import machine
import aqm1248midchrlcd
hspi = machine.SPI(1)
lcd = aqm1248midchrlcd.MidChrLcd( hspi, cs_pin=2, rs_pin=15 )
lcd.write( 'Hello, AQM1248A !' )
lcd.text('Micro', 12, 2)  

In text() method, the page number is only even number.
(column = 12, page =2) means to display a medium size font on the 2nd column of the 2nd line.

First module aqm1248chrlcd


use hardware SPI

import machine
hspi = machine.SPI(1)
import aqm1248chrlcd
lcd = aqm1248chrlcd.ChrLcd( hspi, cs_pin=2, rs_pin=15 )
lcd.write( 'Hello, AQM1248A !' )

use software SPI

import machine
sspi = machine.SPI(-1, sck=machine.Pin(14), mosi=machine.Pin(13), miso=machine.Pin(12) )
import aqm1248chrlcd
lcd = aqm1248chrlcd.ChrLcd( sspi, cs_pin=2, rs_pin=15 )
lcd.text( 'Hello, World !!', 3, 3 )

usage of text() method

The second argument is column, the range is from 0 to 128.
The third argument is page, the range is form 0 to 5.