
Disentangling fire intensity and species’ susceptibility to fire in a species-rich seasonal tropical forest (Trouve et al., 2019)

This repository contains data used in the statistical analyses of the paper "Disentangling fire intensity and species’ susceptibility to fire in a species-rich seasonal tropical forest" by Trouve et al. (2019), published in Journal of Ecology.

The data has been made available for reproducibility purposes, as required by Journal of Ecology. 
Please do not share these data without permission of Sarayudh Bunyavejchewin, the PI of the Huai Kha Khaeng ForestGEO plot. 
If you wish to publish papers based on these data you are also required to get permission from Sarayudh Bunyavejchewin.

The Trouve_al_2019_JoE_tree_mortality.csv file contains the third and fourth census (presence of the 2005 fire) data necessary to fit the species and size-dependent background and fire-related mortality model. The file provides information on individual tree location within the 50 ha plot (quadrat_number_50m, quadrat_x_coord, quadrat_y_coord), tree species (sp), the measurement census number (census_id), the measurement date of the census (date_meas_census3), the dbh of the tree in the third census (dbh_cm_census3), and the mortality status of the tree in the third and fourth census (tree_status_census3, tree_status_census4). Variable tree_status_census4 is used as a binary response variable (alive = 0 , dead = 1) in the mortality model.
The Trouve_al_2019_JoE_tree_growth.csv file contains the data necessary to estimate median and 95% percentile growth per species in between the second and third census (absence of a fire). The file contains individual tree location within the 50 ha plot (quadrat_number_50m, quadrat_x_coord, quadrat_y_coord), tree species (sp), the measurement census number (census_id), the measurement date of the second census (date_meas_census2), the dbh of the tree in the second census (dbh_cm_census2), and tree dbh increment in between the second and third census (dbh_increment_cm_per_year_census_2_to_3).
The Trouve_al_2019_JoE_canopy_status_and_forest_type_per_species.csv file contains the canopy status and forest type group for each species used in the paper.