
Review documentation

maurolepore opened this issue ยท 5 comments

The documentation of the package is available at To suggest edits please add your comments below or create a pull request.

If you have any question, please ask me by referring to me as @maurolepore.

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@maurolepore thoughts on adding a and then pkgdown::build_site() generates a changelog tab for the site?


Thanks @tyluRp, I'll take you advice once I have news to share. Although I've seen packages that share their change log before release, I prefer to record changes between releases starting from the first one.

@overstreeth, thank you very much for offering to review the documentation of packages that are approaching release.

Could you please review these:

@maurolepore One thing that caught my eye in document_data:

ViewFullTable: vft.
ViewTaxonomy: taxa.

If there are going to be a lot of tables that start with the word View (I believe these are Database View Tables), it might be a good idea to have a consistent naming convention for those, including short names. Maybe vft_taxa, vft_luquillo_4quad, and so on? This would be helpful with RStudio's autocompletion which you mention in document_data.

Thank you @tyluRp, your suggestion is very wise. Right now I'm using the structure <site>_<table-kind>_<table-details>. But I'll think whether it is more convenient to use the structure <table-kind>_<site>_<table-details>.

You are right: ViewFullTable, ViewTaxonomy refer to specific View(s) from an SQL database. We've been using these names for many years, and there is one ViewFullTable, and one ViewTaxonomy table for each site in the ForestGEO network. These tables are then transformed (via R code) into other kind of tables, which collectively I call census tables, and include tree (a.k.a. full) and stem tables.