
Ease installation

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Ideas (some very bad ones):

  • Install packages one by one. This helps users experience multiple little successes and they can install only what they need.

    • fgeo to not install but only attach available fgeo packages?
  • Make fgeo install only fgeo.base, fgeo.tool,, and let users install the other packages that depend on less reliable code?

  • Reduce dependencies in general and particularly try to avoid less-tested packages.

  • Give video-instructions to setup an updated R-environment

  • Create a package to diagnose problems in users' R-environment (talk to Jenny Bryan and Jim Hester in case they are developing something along those lines -- given that they run the WTF workshop).

  • Distribute built versions of all fgeo packages (source and or binary?).

  • Make packages smaller:

    • Move vignettes to a bookdown?
    • Reduce/remove data?
    • Why is fgeo.habitat so heavy?
  • Submit packages to CRAN so users don't need install_github().

(Relates to #63)

@teixeirak, @seanmcm,

Now fgeo is much easier to install (see Installation at Please test it (#64) and let me know if you have any issue.

  • At first glance, the installation instructions are short.
  • For more details, users can expand specific instructions
  • Users with an authenticated GitHub account can install directly from GitHub -- as usual.
  • Users without an authenticated GitHub account can avoid reaching the rate-limit (#69) by using fgeo.install.
  • For an example, users can expand and view a demo of fgeo.install.

Also, fgeo is now much lighter (#68). No information is lost.

Finally, the krigging function is now excluded from the core fgeo packages. It lives in its own package, fgeo.krig, because it depends on a problematic package (geoR). This insulates the problem.