
simple perceptron made from scratch in c++ with a gui input method

Primary LanguageC++


Simple perceptron (affectionally named Alfred) made from scratch in c++ with a gui input method

before everything else, make alignWeights.sh and resetWeights.sh executable.

chmod 744 alignWeights.sh resetWeights.sh


To compile the program use:

g++ -o main.cpp-out main.cpp drawing.cpp Perceptron.cpp -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system

to run it use:


I dont care if you use windows.

debugging and flexing

If you want to see the weights open aligned_weights.txt, the weights are aligned as the program is used.

If the program got any input it will also create pixels_nice.txt which is just a slightly formatted version of what it's getting as input.


After running the program a window of size 800x600 should appear. This is the input. Draw either a non filled circle or rectangle (as that's what it has been "trained" on).

left click

draw under cursor

right click

erase under cursor


erase entire window


update the input without actually inputting it (mostly for debugging)


input - after this switch to terminal to see the output


The accuracy is ~59.2% on account of my bad drawing skills and small data set