
Official Flyway Docker images

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Official Flyway Docker images

Docker Auto Build

This is the official repository for Flyway Command-line images.

Supported Tags

The following tags are officially supported:

Supported Volumes

To make it easy to run Flyway the way you want to, the following volumes are supported:

Volume Usage
/flyway/conf Directory containing a flyway.conf configuration file
/flyway/drivers Directory containing the JDBC driver for your database
/flyway/sql The SQL files that you want Flyway to use (for SQL-based migrations)
/flyway/jars The jars files that you want Flyway to use (for Java-based migrations)

Getting started

The easiest way to get started is simply to test the image by running

docker run --rm boxfuse/flyway

This will give you Flyway Command-line's usage instructions.

To do anything useful however, you must pass the arguments that you need to the image. For example:

docker run --rm boxfuse/flyway -url=jdbc:h2:mem:test -user=sa info

Adding SQL files

To add your own SQL files, place them in a directory and mount it as the flyway/sql volume.


Create a new directory and add a file named V1__Initial.sql with following contents:

    MyColumn VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL

Now run the image with the volume mapped:

docker run --rm -v /my/sqldir:/flyway/sql boxfuse/flyway -url=jdbc:h2:mem:test -user=sa migrate

Adding a config file

If you prefer to store those arguments in a config file you can also do so using the flyway/conf volume.


Create a file named flyway.conf with the following contents:


Now run the image with that volume mapped as well:

docker run --rm -v /my/sqldir:/flyway/sql -v /my/confdir:/flyway/conf boxfuse/flyway migrate

Adding a JDBC driver

Flyway ships by default with drivers for

  • SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • MariaDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • Sybase ASE
  • H2
  • Derby
  • SQLite

If your database is not in this list, or if you want to ship a different or newer driver than the one included you can do so using the flyway/drivers volume.


Create a directory and drop for example the Oracle JDBC driver (ojdbc8.jar) in there.

You can now let Flyway make use of it my mapping that volume as well:

docker run --rm -v /my/sqldir:/flyway/sql -v /my/confdir:/flyway/conf -v /my/driverdir:/flyway/drivers boxfuse/flyway migrate

Adding Java-based migrations and callbacks

To pass in Java-based migrations and callbacks you can use the flyway/jars volume.


Create a directory and drop for a jar with your Java-based migrations in there.

You can now let Flyway make use of it my mapping that volume as well:

docker run --rm -v /my/sqldir:/flyway/sql -v /my/confdir:/flyway/conf -v /my/jardir:/flyway/jars boxfuse/flyway migrate

Docker Compose

To run both Flyway and the database that will be migrated in containers, you can use a docker-compose.yml file that starts and links both containers.


version: '3'
    image: boxfuse/flyway
    command: -url=jdbc:mysql://db -schemas=myschema -user=root -password=P@ssw0rd migrate
      - .:/flyway/sql
      - db
    image: mysql
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=P@ssw0rd
    command: --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci
      - 3306:3306

Run docker-compose up -d db, wait a minute for MySQL to be initialized (or tail logs with docker-compose logs -f) then run docker-compose up flyway.