
Log routing for Docker container logs

Primary LanguageGo

Custom Logspout Build

Forking logspout to change modules is unnecessary! Instead, you can create an empty Dockerfile based on gliderlabs/logspout:master and include a new modules.go file as well as the build.sh script that resides in the root of this repo for the build context that will override the standard one.

WARNING! This means that you cannot modify the code locally and re-build. You have to push to github before building.

Wait, what the heck?

This is because your custom build is technically still building the gliderlabs/logspout package, not your package.

Logspout uses the glide package manager which will only use local go packages if they match the context of the current package being built. Otherwise it will download them from Github. Since Glide executes in the context of gliderlabs/logspout, and our packages are under forestjohnsonpeoplenet/logspout, that means they will be downloaded from the internet each time.

Diagram of custom build process

build diagram

  1. GliderLabs builds a version of logspout from source as normal. * docker build starts building the Dockerfile, which triggers build.sh to be executed inside a container with the source code, producing a container with the source code and a binary. * The Dockerfile contains ONBUILD command which will be executed on any docker builds which use the resulting image as a base image.
  2. Someone builds a custom version of logspout from my fork. * docker build starts building the Dockerfile from forestjohnsonpeoplenet/logspout.
  3. The ONBUILD command from Step 1 is triggered, and it pulls in build.sh and modules.go from forestjohnsonpeoplenet/logspout.
  4. The ONBUILD command from Step 1 executes a modified build.sh against a modified modules.go, pulling in code from forestjohnsonpeoplenet/logspout and recompiling logspout from source with my custom components.

This diagram was created with https://draw.io. If you wish to edit it, open the svg version using https://draw.io.

syslogamqp adapter.

Works with RabbitMQ and AMQP Messaging Modular Input for Splunk

AMQP configuration variables:

AMQP_EXCHANGE: logspout.ex
AMQP_PASSWORD: <password>
AMQP_ROUTING_KEY: '{{index .Container.Config.Labels "com.foo.logspout-amqp-routing-key"}}'

Command: syslogamqp+tls://foo-rabbit:5671?filter.labels=com.foo.logspout-amqp-routing-key:*

http adapter.

Works with SumoLogic.

Command: https://foo.collection.us2.sumologic.com?http.gzip=true\&http.path=/receiver/v1/http/blahblahbahblahbase64\&http.crash=false\&http.labels=io.rancher.stack_service.name


Our two custom adapters, http and syslogamqp use a forked version of the routes package with new logic allowing blacklist-mode filtering on docker labels. We use this to easily silence noisy system containers in our Rancher deployments.

$ docker run \
	--volume=/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
	foo-fork/logspout \

Custom Entrypoint script

We have a custom entrypoint script which will try to override the hostname that logspout will send using information from:

  1. The AWS EC2 Metadata API if it is avaliable
  2. The Rancher Metadata API if it is avaliable