67272 Debugging Lab

This is a basic Rails app that was built as a class demonstration in the spring of 2018 to practice debugging NilClass errors.

The class is Application Design & Development (67-272) and is for students in Information Systems at Carnegie Mellon University. We have posted this code on github.com in a public directory so that (a) it is readily accessible to students and (b) that students will get a little familiarity with github.com.

This project does require the use of several gems to work properly. Check the Gemfile to see which gems are used. This project also assumes the user is running Ruby 3.1.x since that is what is used in the course.


Run the following:

  1. bundle install
  2. rails db:migrate
  3. rails test test/models/dosage_test.rb

Fix the code such that the NilClass errors when running dosage_test.rb disappear.