
The goal of this recap is to build a basic React app from scratch implementing data fetching and routing

Recap 1

The goals of this exercise is to create a photo application with React and consolidate some of the foundational concepts you've seen so far.


  • Choose your photo-like api:
  • Create your app using create-react-app. Follow this link to learn how to get started with create-react-app if you haven't used it before. You'll need to follow the instructions from the link and execute 3 commands to create your app.

If you use http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com:

Else if you use https://rickandmortyapi.com/:

  • There should be a page that displays a list of characters in the following path /characters. You can fetch the photos from this endpoint https://rickandmortyapi.com/api/character/

  • There should be a page that displays a single character in the following path /characters/:id. Endpoint example https://rickandmortyapi.com/api/character/2. You have more info about the API on its docs.

  • When the user clicks on a character in /characters the app should take the user to /characters/:id

Additional requirements

  • If you reload the detail page, example /characters/1 or /photos/1, it should display the page with the data.


This is not a master detail page. It's more simple than the Messenger app.

To fetch photos use http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/photos?_limit=30. Don't forget the _limit=30 parameter at the end of the query or it will be slow.

To fetch a single photo use http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/photos/<PHOTO_ID>

Use react-router for the routing:

npm install --save react-router-dom

Core learning objectives to be consolidated

  • React composition model
  • Data fetching
  • Declarative Routing


  • Create your own Link component that composes with the Link component from "react-router-dom". Your Link component will add two props: 1) rel="nofollow noopener" and 2) target="_blank" to the react-router-dom Link if the link points to an external link. You can use the following snippet to determine if the to prop is an external link:
if (props.to && props.to.match(/^(https:\/\/*|http:\/\/*|mailto:*)/)) {
 // it's an external link


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