
Source code for the Tube Status Pebble watchapp

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Fork Info

If I can figure out how to make the server work I'll update readme and hardcoded URLs, but for now this is a dead repo, pending more author skill. It looks kinda like nodejs but I'm clueless on how to make that work or even how to host it once it runs. Regardless, don't expect updates for a long time :(

For now, just install the original watchapp from the Rebble Appstore here. Timeline pins are non-functional due to the original server going offline a long time ago.


Pebble watchapp that displays the current status of the London Underground (Tube) lines.

Data sourced from the London Underground TfL Unified API.


  • Do a server and change hardcoded server URLs
  • Publish to rebble appstore.
  • Build PBW for release page?
  • More detailed documentation.