
Pointers to a collection of underwater image-based datasets and relevant resources.

1. Image enhancement, color correction, restoration

2. Image super-resolution

  • USR-248: Data, Paper, Code. (for training 2x, 4x, and 8x SISR models; SRDRM, SRDRM-GAN)

3. Image segmentation

4. Stereo data

  • Tasmania coral point, Scott reef-25, O'Hara-7: Data, Paper.
  • Stereo from Flicker: Data, Paper.
  • CADDY stereo data: Data, Paper.
  • HIMB data for UWStereoNet: Data, Paper. (UW-StereoNet)

5. Object detection and/or classification

A. General

  • MOUSS data: Data. (CVPR AAMVEM data challenge)
  • MBARI databse: Data.
  • HabCam database: Data.
  • OUC-vision: Paper.
  • MARIS project: Data.
  • NOAA data: Data

B. Human-robot cooperation

C. Coral-reef

D. Fish

E. Trash and marine debris