
Developer Portal website

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Developer Portal

Developer Portal website.

Docker Image

This website is available as a Docker image here:

We recommend using that as the FROM in your own Dockerfile in your own private repo, where you would COPY into your own Docker image the files needed by SimpleSAMLphp (if using SAML logins), your own /data/public/img/logos/site-logo.png, etc. Your Dockerfile should put the SAML files into /tmp/ssp-overrides, since the run.sh script will copy from there into the SimpleSAMLphp folders within the vendor folder after installing composer dependencies.

Example Dockerfile using this as the FROM

FROM silintl/developer-portal:1.3.4 

# Make sure /data is available
RUN mkdir -p /data

# Copy in a custom vhost configuration (if necessary)
COPY build/vhost.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/

# Copy the SimpleSAMLphp configuration files to a temporary location
COPY build/ssp-overrides /tmp/ssp-overrides

COPY build/logos /data/public/img/logos



# Record now as the build date/time (in a friendly format).
RUN date -u +"%B %-d, %Y, %-I:%M%P (%Z)" > /data/protected/data/version.txt

CMD ["/data/run.sh"]

A Note About Semantic Versioning

The environment variables that this code uses are (for the purposes of semantic versioning) considered this code's public interface. That is how backwards-compability will be determined. If a new version of this code is released that bumps the major version number (e.g. from 1.x.y to 2.0.0), you will probably have to change something about what environment variables you are providing when running this Docker image.

Environment / Project Setup

  1. Install VirtualBox
  2. Install Vagrant
  3. Clone the repository:
    git clone git@github.com:silinternational/developer-portal.git
  4. Copy the local.env.dist file to local.env, and update its contents appropriately.
  5. Open a shell/terminal in the project's root folder.
  6. Launch environment with vagrant up
  7. Modify your hosts file per the instructions below.
  8. Open browser and go to http://your-domain-name/
  9. If you need to make yourself an admin, login first (to make sure your user record exists), then go to http://your-domain-name/phpmyadmin. Login with the project's database credentials, find your user in the user table, and change the role to 'admin'.

local.env reference

  • SHOW_POPULAR_APIS (boolean)
    Whether to show the most popular APIs (based on the number of approved keys). If false, the file application/protected/views/partials/home-lower-right.php will be shown (which you can set the content of in the site_text table in the database).

Hosts file modification for running Developer Portal locally

Add one of the following lines to your hosts file (replacing your-domain-name with the domain name you want to use).

If using Vagrant: your-domain-name

If using Docker directly (without Vagrant): your-domain-name


If you try to access http://your-domain-name/phpmyadmin/ and get the following error...

phpMyAdmin - Error  
Wrong permissions on configuration file, should not be world writable!

... then add the following line to the end of vendor\phpmyadmin\phpmyadmin\config.inc.php:

$cfg['CheckConfigurationPermissions'] = false;