
My personal dotfiles

Primary LanguagePerl



Dotfiles are enabled /disabled using GNU Stow gnu stow.

Install GNU Stow:

nix-env -i stow

Checkout the project

cd ~
git clone --recursive git@github.com:ajevans85/.dotfiles.git

Enable required configs

Enter the project directory.

cd ~/.dotfiles

For each configuration that you want to enable use stow. IE:

stow emacs
stow git
stow nix

Stow will create the correct symlinks in your home directory.

SSH Config

~/.ssh/config is automaticaly generated by aggregating configurations under ~/.ssh/conf.d.

An ssh alias has been created to automaticaly generate the config each time you run ssh. Also a sshconfig alias has been created to generate the ~/.ssh/config file.

Git default email/user override

This is useful for home / work.

On your local machine create the file $HOME/.gitconfig_email

Override the default values

  name =
  email =