
An Angular2 bindings for Redux

Primary LanguageTypeScript


An Angular2 bindings for Redux

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Install the module via npm:

npm install --save ng2redux

This module depends on Angular2 and Redux. You can install them via npm as well:

npm install --save angular2 redux

Example application

Example application that implements simple counter can be found here: ng2redux simple app


The most simple use case is to import ReduxApp decorator and Store from ng2redux. Use ReduxApp decorator instead of app Component decorator. Add additional argument - reducer. It is the app reducer for Redux. It will be created and visible to an app component and its children.

Now you can inject Store into your components, as usual service. Store wraps up the Redux store and reveals regular Redux store's API.

import {ReduxApp, Store, Container} from 'ng2redux';
import {reducer} from './reducers'; // your own reducer implementation

    selector: 'app',
    template: `
    reducer: reducer
export class AppComponent {
    unsubscribe: Function;
    constructor(private store: Store) {
        this.unsubscribe = store.subscribe((state: any) => {
            // your logic here

    public ngOnDestroy() {




@ReduxApp is a decorator that extends angular's @Component decorator. It accepts all @Component's properties and 3 additional properties that are define a Redux store - reducer, initialState and enhancers.

Behind the scenes it creates single Redux store and injects its provider to component's providers. Thus, it is recomended to use this decorator only once per application on top-level app component.

Note: @ReduxApp extends @Component, therefore there is no need to use additional @Component decorator on the same component.


  1. reducer (Function): A Redux reducer function that returns the next state tree, given the current state tree and an action to handle (more about reducers is here).

  2. [initialState] (Object): The initial state. It is an optional argument that describes initial state of our appliction. Should be plain object that can be understood by reducer (state explanation is here).

  3. [enhancer] (Function): The store enhancer. You may optionally specify it to enhance the store with third-party capabilities such as middleware, time travel, persistence, etc. The only store enhancer that ships with Redux is applyMiddleware().


A Store is a wrapper for Redux store object. It may be injected into a component/service by declaring in constructor definition.

export class SomeClass{
    constructor(store: Store) {
        // c'tor logic here

There should be a single instance of a store per application as it stated here (single source of truth). A Store reveals the same API as Redux store.


Note: subscribe(listener) is slightly different from the original function. Firstly, it runs a listener function within app zone. The second difference is that it injects a new state into listener as an only parameter.


@Connect is a decorator that connects an Angular component to a Redux store. It replaces a component's constructor before creation, so that the enriched component will be created by Angular. It preserves all the functions and properties of a component that where decleared, as well as all component's metadata.


  1. [mapStateToProps(state): stateProps] (Function): The function that describes how to map component's properties to state's properties. On every store update this function will be called with state as a parameter. It should return plain object with a newly mapped properties.

  2. [mapDispatchToProps(dispatch): dispatchProps] (Function): The function that describes how to dispatch a component's events to the store. It should return plain object with the dispatch mappings. Each property of returned object describes one mapping, where key is a name of an event on the component and value is a function that will dispatch an action to a store. The function will be given store's dispatch function.


import {ReduxApp, Connect} from 'ng2redux';

import {increment, decrement} from './path-to-your-action-creators';
import {reducer} from './path-to-your-reducer';

    mapStateToProps: function(state) {
        return { counter: state };
    mapDispatchToProps: function(dispatch) {
        return {
            onIncrement: () => {
            onDecrement: () => {
    selector: 'app',
    template: `<h1>Hello counter app!</h1>
    <button (click)="onIncrement()">Increment</button>
    <button (click)="onDecrement()">Decrement</button>
    reducer: reducer
export class AppComponent { }