Automated Compliance Tests is a service which is responsible for scanning network. First, it discovers open ports and next, it tries to find security vulnerabilities.
apt-get update
apt-get install git python3 python3-dev virtualenv -y
git clone
Install nanomsg from sources (This should be done before next steps):
apt-get install cmake -y
tar xf 1.0.0.tar.gz
cd nanomsg-1.0.0/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
cd ../../
rm 1.0.0.tar.gz
rm -r nanomsg-1.00
cd aucote
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate # activate virtualenv
pip install -r requirements.txt
To build documentation
make -C docs/gen/ clean
make -C docs/gen/ rst
make -C docs/gen/ html
apt-get install nmap masscan skipfish hydra -y
Copy example configuration:
cp aucote_cfg.yaml.exmaple aucote_cfg.yaml
Fulfill aucote_cfg.yaml
- the most important fields are:
, which define how to connect to Topdistoucan.enable
- might be good to disable for local runskuduworker.enable
- might be good to disable for local runs
You might also want to change aucote_cfg_default.yaml
- important fields:
- service.scans.parallel_tasks - defines how many threads should be run
- portdetection.ports.tcp/udp.include - range of ports, it is good to keep small range for testing purposes
- portdetection.scan_type - determines whether to use LIVE or PERIODIC scans
- portdetection.port_scan_rate and - max number of packets/s for port scans. This value should be set very carefully!
- portdetection.network_scan_rate - max number of packets/s for networks scans. This value should be set very carefully!
- portdetection.networks - list of networks which are allowed/disabled to be scanned. This value should be set very carefully!
- portdetection.periodic_scan.cron - cron-like scanning schedule Time is always in UTC!
More details and options are described in the files itself.
Aucote can be run as one-time scanner or service. It also can synchronize local exploits database with kudu
To run one-time scan you should run command from virtualenv:
python scan
To run as periodically service:
python service
In case of any problem, please contact me!
Dominik Rosiek <>