
Chuck Norris IO Android App

Primary LanguageKotlin


The ChuckNorrisIO project is an Android application made to practice my understanding of the Kotlin language and using Android Studio to create a simple application that can make requests to the Chuck Norris IO API.

In early 2019, a co-worker and I decided to team up and learn new programming languages together. By working together we were able to meet twice a month, review various tutorials and talk about what we learned over each two week period. Our first new language we wanted to learn was Kotlin. We used a tutorial from TutorialsPoint.com.

At the end of the full tutorial we decided to perform a final project to take our learning and create something. We knew that Kotlin was the recently made the official language for Andorid and decided that we would individually make an app that would call an API and display a Chuck Norris joke. For my app, I was able to use the developer mode on my personal android phone to compile and side-load it.

Upon opening the app the user is presented with a logo at the top, a text box in the middle (invisible), and a button at the bottom.

Tapping the button will make the API call to retrieve a new joke and display it in the text box.

Learning Kotlin and Android Studio was a challenging and fun experience. More information about the Chuck Norris IO API can be found here.