
Final Project for cs50x

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CS50 Final Project

finance / budgeting web app


This version of my budgeting web app is built on Flask as a part of CS50 for the final project.

The full scale version will use a database instead of CSV files and will be built on Django as that is a far more popular framework and I have more resources readily available to learn Django over Flask.

I may come back and update this in the future to continue practice with Flask to compare the frameworks (notice the login was not implemented as I did not end up using a database to log the transactions).


Cleaned up the webapp files and uploaded a data file with fictionalized transaction data so I can make the repository public to demonstrate what the web app can do. I am choosing to leave the edit and delete buttons on the View All Responses page and may add functionality in the future.

To run: clone repo and run flask server on local machine. This was not written to be run anywhere beyond your local computer.

Unfortunately I cannot fork the problem sets over to my repo, as they were uploaded directly to the CS50 account on submission. So, only the final project lives on.