:ribbon: Hard wrap lines in atom - enhanced version of core autoflow
- 0
HTMLElement.rootElement is deprecated.
#54 opened by sla-te - 0
Exceeded by one
#58 opened by brettz9 - 0
Two lines with // between them
#57 opened by john-cj - 1
Problem with paragraph reflow
#53 opened by acrendic - 0
feature request: use current line if no selection
#55 opened by wevre - 0
- 0
Ending linefeed is removed
#2 opened by asbjornu - 0
Character count is started from selection
#3 opened by asbjornu - 5
Use language specific line length
#8 opened by W4RH4WK - 1
- 2
Feature request: Comment-aware line wrap
#42 opened by kkjaergaard - 4
- 3
Installs indefinitely
#49 opened by amf2015 - 2
atom's API has changed
#50 opened by stganser - 6
Uncaught TypeError: editor.languageMode.rowRangeForParagraphAtBufferRow is not a function
#51 opened by sethvargo - 0
hard warp not working...
#47 opened by SujashJoshi - 0
- 6
Not working with non-latin characters
#7 opened by gaintsev - 2