
Forj command line interface

Primary LanguageRuby

Forj cli


Forj cli supports Ruby 1.9.3 or higher.

###Fedora/CentOS/Redhat rpm like package system

For ruby 2.0

$ sudo yum install ruby-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel python-yaml gcc git -y
$ sudo gem install forj

###Ubuntu/Debian deb like package system

For ruby 1.9

$ apt-get -y update
$ sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.3 ruby1.9.3-dev rubygems1.9.3 build-essential libopenssl-ruby1.9.3 libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev git -y
$ sudo gem install forj

Installation from source Perform one of the ruby installation steps without gem install forj.

$ sudo apt-get -y install build-essential make libxslt-dev libxml2-dev
$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/config/production/git
$ cd /opt/config/production/git
$ git clone https://review.forj.io/forj-oss/cli
$ cd cli
$ gem install bundler --no-rdoc --no-ri
$ gem install rake --no-rdoc --no-ri
$ bundle install --gemfile Gemfile
$ rake install

**For all OS including Linux/windows/mac 2 vagrant images has been written. Read [vagrant/README.md] for details.

This solution helps to develop and test on forj and lorj

For more information about lorj, a process/controller library, see https://github.com/forj-oss/lorj

Quick steps: How to create a forj?

forj setup # follow the instructions
  1. Setup your first forj account.

    $ forj setup [AccountName [provider]]

    Ex: forj setup MyAccount. In this example, your account will be named 'MyAccount'. The first time you setup your account, it will become the default one.

    Supported provider: hpcloud, openstack. hpcloud is the default.

    If you uses hphelion as a provider, check the API authentication system to select hpcloud or openstack.

    • hpcloud : Use this provider for http://www.hpcloud.com/, or hphelion. Uses Access key and secret key authentication mechanism.

    • openstack: Use this provider to access any openstack installation (public or private) or Hphelion (public or private) Uses login and password authentication system

      If you want to test against a new local openstack cloud, you can consider :

      • packstack from RedHat. Can be used for a notebook local installation. tested successfully.
      • hphelion from HP. Tested successfully with user/password.
      • Ubuntu OpenStack from Canonical. Not tested.

    For any other cloud, you need a provider in lorj library. Contribute to create a new provider! See

  2. Create your forge on your default account

    $ forj boot <blueprint> <InstanceName>

    Ex: forj boot redstone myforge - This command will start a Redstone forge named 'myforge' with the default FORJ account. Previous, we set it to be MyAccount.

NOTE: If you are creating a Forge in a corporate network, a proxy may be required. See section [Commmon issues]

###Forj options:

To get forj cli help, just type:

$ forj

To get help on specific action, just type:

$ forj help boot

Examples of possible actions:

Commands: forj boot [options] # boot a Maestro box and instruct it to provision the blueprint forj down # delete the Maestro box and all systems installed by the blueprint forj help [action] # Describe available FORJ actions or one specific action forj setup # set the credentials for forj cli forj show defaults # Show list of predefined value you can update in your ~/.forj/config.yaml forj ssh


When you create a new forj (forj boot), forj cli will load data from several layers of configuration:

  1. Cloud account setting (forj setup [account] or forj get -a <account> list identified by 'account' origin)
  2. Local configuration (forj get list identified by 'local' origin)
  3. Application defaults and cloud model. (forj get list identified by 'forj_core' or 'default')

You can get a complete list of current values:

$ forj get


$ forj get -a <account>

If you need to change one of them:

$ forj set "security_group=test"


$ forj set "security_group=mysec" -a <account>

Connect to servers

To ssh into a server

$ forj ssh <name> [node]


$ forj ssh myforge review # review is one node from redstone blueprint

Commmon issues

Certificate Authorities

If your company certify your server with a private certificate authorities service, you may need to do the following:

Either your workstation and your cloud may needs to be configured with this CA certificate.

  • From your workstation:

    You can instantly provide the CA certificate to forj cli, with SSL_CERT_FILE env variable

      SSL_CERT_FILE=~/tmp/cacert.crt forj boot redstone [...]


    You can install this certificate in your workstation. This case depends on your OS.
    typical case:

    • debian like system:
      • cp file to /usr/share/ca-certificates/
      • Update /etc/ca-certificates.conf
      • call update-ca-certificates
    • rpm like system:
      • cp file to /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
      • call update-ca-trust extract
  • In your cloud:

    If your cloud is NOT preconfigured (images) with your Company CA certificate, you can call forj cli with --ca-root-cert at boot time, to configure your boxes with this missing certificate.


      forj boot redstone myforge --ca-root-cert ~/tmp/cacert.crt

    You can ask server in your cloud to install it in specific path and file name

      forj boot redstone myforge --ca-root-cert '~/tmp/cacert-2015-1.crt#mycompany/cacrt.crt'

    You can also pre-configure your forj account with this certificate.

      forj set ca-root-cert=~/tmp/cacert-2015-1.crt -a myaccount


      forj set 'ca-root-cert=~/tmp/cacert-2015-1.crt#mycompany/cacrt.crt' -a myaccount


If your cloud is NOT preconfigured (images) with your Company proxy setting, you can ask forj cli to configure your server with the Proxy setting needed.

Ex: boot a redstone 'myforge' with a proxy setting.

$ forj boot redstone myforge -a CorporateAccount -e webproxy=$http_proxy

Received disconnect from X.X.X.X 2: Too many authentication failures for XXX

When forj cli want to send out the cloud authentication data, you may be in trouble if you are running Fedora 22 or ubuntu.

To avoid this error, update (or create) your ~/.ssh/config and add the following in the general section of this file:

IdentitiesOnly  true

Contributing to Forj

We welcome all types of contributions. Checkout our website (http://docs.forj.io/en/latest/dev/contribute.html) to start hacking on Forj. Also join us in our community (https://www.forj.io/community/) to help grow and foster Forj for your development today!

Developping on FORJ:

Development installation:

WARNING!!! forj cli is still under intensive development.

For ruby 2.0

Fedora/CentOS/Redhat rpm like package system

$ sudo yum install git gcc ruby-devel libxml2-devel rubygem-rspec libxslt-devel python-yaml rubygem-nokogiri -y
$ gem install rspec-rake rspec-mocks rspec-expectations

Ubuntu/Debian deb like package system (not tested)

$ sudo apt-get install git ruby-dev build-essential libopenssl-ruby1.9.1 libssl-dev zlib1g-dev -y
$ gem install rspec rspec-rake rspec-mocks rspec-expectations

Then execute the following:

$ gem install forj # To install all gem required for running it.
$ mkdir -p ~/src/forj-oss
$ cd ~/src/forj-oss
$ git clone https://github.com/forj-oss/cli

To update forj from the repository:

$ cd ~/src/forj-oss/cli
$ git pull

To test forj cli, do the following:

$ cd ~/src/forj-oss/cli
$ bin/forj

To run unit-test, do the following:

$ cd ~/src/forj-oss/cli
$ rspec -c


Forj Cli is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for full license text.