
docker-lu is a small GO program to adapt container files, /etc/passwd & /etc/group, with docker host local user UID & GID.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

docker-lu project


docker-lu is a small GO program that adapts container files, /etc/passwd, and /etc/group with docker host local user UID & GID.

The use case is:

When a user executes a container as himself on his file system, the container can create files. The created files must not be owned by a user ID that is not the user himself.

The following example shows correct behavior.

[me@localhost tmp ] ll
total 0
[me@localhost tmp ] docker run -it -v $(pwd):/home/me -w /home/me -u $(id -u):$(id -g) --rm alpine sh -c "echo blabla > test.txt"
[me@localhost tmp ] ll
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 me me 7 Jul  5 16:14 test.txt

This command works.

However, using a more advanced command like git can result in an error such as fatal: unable to look up current user in the passwd file: no such user

[me@localhost tmp ] docker run --rm -e http_proxy -e https_proxy -e no_proxy -it -u 1001:1001 forjdevops/jenkins git clone https://github.com/forj-oss/jenkins-install-inits /tmp/jenkins-install-inits
Cloning into '/tmp/jenkins-install-inits'...
remote: Counting objects: 423, done.
remote: Total 423 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 422
Receiving objects: 100% (423/423), 340.18 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (171/171), done.
fatal: unable to look up current user in the passwd file: no such user
Unexpected end of command stream

You cannot replace the -u $(id -u):$(id -g) by -u $(id -un):$(id -gn) or you may get following error: docker: Error response from daemon: linux spec user: unable to find user me: no matching entries in passwd file.

Why are we having this issue? The user's uid or username is not recognized in the container. This means the uid or username is not in the container passwd file.

How to resolve it

To resolve this, we need to ensure that the UID/GID given is listed in /etc/passwd and /etc/group in the container.

You can fix it easily with a basic bash script to run as root:

sed -i 's/\(devops:x:\)1000:1000/\1'"$1"':'"$2"'/g' /etc/passwd
sed -i 's/\(devops:x:\)1000/\1'"$2"'/g' /etc/group

If sed has been installed you can use that code.

If sed is not installed, you have to :

  • install it
  • create a script with those 2 sed commands, and check parameters.

Using docker-lu globally can do exactly this.

Why did we created a GO program instead of a script to do this?

  • you do not need install anything other than docker-lu
  • you do not need to create a script to test parameters, docker-lu will handle it
  • you limit the risk of breaking your container if your script incorrectly updates those files (bad error handling)
  • docker-lu refuses to work outside a container (docker or kubernetes) and as non-container root.

How to use docker-lu


docker-lu is a simple small (2.5 MB) linux static binary. So there is no dependency on your container linux flavor. docker-lu checks if it is running in container. It supports docker and kubernetes containers. For other type of container, consider to contribute to the project. (function checkRights())

Do I need docker-lu

You should use docker-lu if all following conditions are true:

  • if you add -u to docker run
  • if your container has a local FS mounted (-v /local/fs:/data)
  • if your container writes to/updates the mounted path with the user rights given (-u)
  • if the user uid is not recognized in the /etc/passwd of the container
  • if you REALLY need to be in the /etc/passwd (because of git, npm, go, etc...)

If your use case is confirmed, do the following:

### Use case 1 - Dockerfile

You can add docker-lu in your docker image, call it as root during the entrypoint and then become that user with su - or any equivalent command.

  1. Add ADD https://github.com/forj-oss/docker-lu/releases/download/0.1/docker-lu /usr/local/bin/docker-lu

  2. Add RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-lu

  3. Add a call to docker-lu in the entrypoint. ex: ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/local/bin/entrypoint.sh" ]

    ... assume jenkins exists as user in the image ...

    # entrypoint.sh with docker-lu
    /usr/local/bin/docker-lu "jenkins" $UID "jenkins" $GID
  4. Run it

    docker run -it --name test --rm -e UID=$(id -u) -e GID=$(id -g) <image> <tool> <parameters>

Use case 2 - docker run as daemon

If you run your container as daemon and execute commands through docker exec

  1. Download docker-lu.

    wget -O ~/bin/docker-lu https://github.com/forj-oss/docker-lu/releases/download/0.1/docker-lu

  2. Give executable rights

    chmod +x ~/bin/docker-lu

  3. Start your container as docker daemon:

    ex: it will use developer as declared user.

    docker run -u $(id -u):$(id -g) --name test -it -d alpine sh -c 'adduser developer -D;cat'

  4. copy docker-lu: docker copy ~/bin/docker-lu test:/usr/bin/docker-lu

  5. run it : docker exec -u 0 -it test docker-lu developer $(id -u) developer $(id -g)

check it : docker exec -it test id

Build the project

If you want to contribute to this project (bug/enhancement), feel free to create a PR or just ask through issues.

This section explains how to build it.

Small IDE experience:

If you want to debug through a IDE, it works great from Visual Studio Code under linux. I never tested in other OS.

I was using idea, but not it is unusable, because they built a non free IDE called goglang. I was not able to debug test files... From VSC, both work and are free (Opensource)

First time

mkdir -p ~/go/src
git clone https://github.com/forj-oss/docker-lu.git
source build-env.sh ~/go
glide i
go build

You can add --sudo if your docker is runnable from sudo only

NOTE: ~/go is your GOPATH. Change ~/go or update .be-gopath to a different path if your project is cloned somewhere else.

Next time

cd ~/go/src/docker-lu
glide i
go build


  • Running glide or go return following error. How to fix it?

    ++ sudo docker run --rm -i -t -v /home/larsonsh/src/forj:/go -w /go/src/docker-lu -u 10001 docker-lu-go-env /usr/bin/glide init
    Unable to find image 'docker-lu-go-env:latest' locally
    docker: Error response from daemon: repository docker-lu-go-env not found: does not exist or no pull access.
    See 'docker run --help'.
    ++ _be_restore_debug
    ++ [[ '' != x ]]
    ++ set +x

    Run create-go-build-env.sh

  • Running source build-env.sh return following error. How to fix it?

    $ source build-env.sh
    Loading module go ...
    Using docker directly. (no sudo)
    Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.29/version: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied

    source it with --sudo or fix the docker socket group. source build-env.sh --sudo

  • Running source build-env.sh return following error. How to fix it?

    $ source build-env.sh
    Loading module go ...
    Using docker directly. (no sudo)
    Missing GOPATH. Please set it, or define it in your local personal '.be-gopath' file

    You missed providing the GOPATH setup

    Call source build-env.ss ~/go

Forj Team