
Manage cloud things for forj blueprints with puppet.


For examples on usage see manifests/tests


include gardener

The maestor class will use this module to cordinate the creation and management of nodes defined by the blueprint in hieradata. See maestro::orchestrator class for more details.


  • class for creating / destroying list of static nodes (server_up, server_destroy)
  • type for managing those nodes: pinas
  • various parsers for compute public and private ip lookup
  • helper functions for converting metadata from json to hash and strings
  • domain record lookup and management
  • configured to work with hiera
  • support for openstack 13.5, deprecation for 12.12 will come next.
  • usage of unix_cli objects


  • object storage


  • attached storage
  • more providers (AWS, rackspace)

Intended Audience

users of forj blueprints

Testing & Development

setup your environment for testing:

  • basic requirements for ubuntu
 apt-get -y update && apt-get -y upgrade
 apt-get -y install curl
  • we now use docker with beaker for test case acceptance.
  • It's possible to setup an environment for testing with the following prepare script.
  • Run the script as a user with sudo access for root.
  • copy of all git repos are placed in ~/prepare/git, set GIT_HOME for alternate location.
 curl | bash -xe
  • alternatively you can also setup dev environment manually
  git clone
  bash ./maestro/puppet/
  bash ./maestro/puppet/
  bash ./maestro/hiera/
  puppet module install garethr/docker --version '1.2.2'
  puppet -e "include gardener
  include compiler_tools::install::rubydev
  include compiler_tools::install::puppetlint
  include docker"
# you will also need to create nodeset images for each system under test in
# spec/acceptance/nodeset folder.  
  • Install required gems for development environment.
    gem1.9.1 install bundler --no-rdoc --no-ri
    ruby1.9.1 -S bundle install --gemfile Gemfile

Run Test

  • Setup fog file configuration as described below, use FOG_RC environment value to point to a valid fog file.
  ruby1.9.1 -S rake acceptance
  • Additional beaker run options
   # don't destroy image after test
   env BEAKER_destroy=no ruby1.9.1 -S rake acceptance
  • When you don't destroy the container, you can connect to it locally after test runs.
  #list the running containers
  docker ps
  # connect from host machine
  ssh -p $(docker ps |grep '22/tcp'|head -1|awk -F: '{print $2}'|sed 's/->.*//g') root@localhost
  # password to use is root
- Specify alternate nodeset SUT file

  bundle install
  export BEAKER_setfile=default; ruby1.9.1 -S rake acceptance

Fog file configuration

  • The cloud.fog file by default is located in /opt/config/fog/cloud.fog.
  • This file should be secured by root, read / writable by root. It will contain credentials for managing compute/network/dns resources in your cloud accounts for the tenants specified. This means the instance will be able to create and destroy resources as needed.
  • The configuration file follows specification as required by fog. Documentation on this can be found here:
    Read on the credentials section.
  • In addition to each section we require a section for default provider we will use for api connectivity. This will help us distinguish between using openstack api's or other provider apis. This section is called :
          provider: <name>   where name is hp|ec2|rackspace|openstack
  • Here is an example configuration file we use for testing. Note that the access key and secret key are omitted here for security reasons.
    hp_access_key: <your access key>
    hp_secret_key: <your security key>
    hp_tenant_id: 10296473968402
    hp_avl_zone: az-3.region-a.geo-1
    hp_access_key: <your access key>
    hp_secret_key: <your security key>
    hp_tenant_id: 10820682209898
    hp_avl_zone: region-a.geo-1
    provider: hp

or alternative provider for openstack also works without api keys (prefered)

If no DNS is available, comment or omit the section dns:

    openstack_username: '<user name>'
    openstack_api_key: '<user password, not api key>'
    openstack_region: region-a.geo-1
    openstack_tenant: '<project name>'
    hp_access_key: '<api key>'
    hp_secret_key: '<api secret key>'
    hp_tenant_id: <project id number>
    hp_avl_zone: region-a.geo-1
    provider: openstack

In this example, we use hp cloud for providing both compute and dns management. The tenant / project we use are two separate projects and availability zones.

After running gardener, you will also have access to hpcloud cli, that you can use to run other commands to do things such as verify account access or manage other resources manually. Notice that gardener will always use "dns:" for dns operations, and "default:" for compute / network operations. You can specify different fog configuration files by setting the FOG_RC environment variable to different files when executing gardener commands.

Debugging tips

  • export RAKE_DEBUG=true, will enable debugger library and statement.
  env BEAKER_destroy=no RAKE_DEBUG=true ruby1.9.1 -r debug -S rake acceptance
  • Use export FOG_DEBUG=true , this will show excon debug output ... note, passwords will show up to.
  • Use export SPEC_PP_OFF=false, this will turn off the :apply flag and prevent puppet apply steps.
  • When using ruby-debug on ruby1.8 + debugger statement in source, this enables interactive debugging on source.
    • rake debugging can be done with rdebug rake spec.
    • rspec debugging can be done with rspec -d
    • rspec debugging when called from rake can be done by setting SPEC_OPTS='-d' export


(c) Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.