
prosemirror-tables 라이브러리를 ES2015 로 빌드합니다.

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ProseMirror table module

This module defines a schema extension to support tables with rowspan/colspan support, a custom selection class for cell selections in such a table, a plugin to manage such selections and enforce invariants on such tables, and a number of commands to work with tables.

The top-level directory contains a demo.js and index.html, which can be built with yarn build_demo to show a simple demo of how the module can be used.


The module's main file exports everything you need to work with it. The first thing you'll probably want to do is create a table-enabled schema. That's what tableNodes is for:

  • tableNodes(options: Object) → Object
    This function creates a set of node specs for table, table_row, and table_cell nodes types as used by this module. The result can then be added to the set of nodes when creating a a schema.

    • options: Object
      The following options are understood:

      • tableGroup: ?string
        A group name (something like "block") to add to the table node type.

      • cellContent: string
        The content expression for table cells.

      • cellAttributes: ?Object
        Additional attributes to add to cells. Maps attribute names to objects with the following properties:

        • default: any
          The attribute's default value.

        • getFromDOM: ?fn(dom.Node) → any
          A function to read the attribute's value from a DOM node.

        • setDOMAttr: ?fn(value: any, attrs: Object)
          A function to add the attribute's value to an attribute object that's used to render the cell's DOM.

  • tableEditing() → Plugin
    Creates a plugin that, when added to an editor, enables cell-selection, handles cell-based copy/paste, and makes sure tables stay well-formed (each row has the same width, and cells don't overlap).

    You should probably put this plugin near the end of your array of plugins, since it handles mouse and arrow key events in tables rather broadly, and other plugins, like the gap cursor or the column-width dragging plugin, might want to get a turn first to perform more specific behavior.

class CellSelection extends Selection

A Selection subclass that represents a cell selection spanning part of a table. With the plugin enabled, these will be created when the user selects across cells, and will be drawn by giving selected cells a selectedCell CSS class.

  • new CellSelection($anchorCell: ResolvedPos, $headCell: ?ResolvedPos = $anchorCell)
    A table selection is identified by its anchor and head cells. The positions given to this constructor should point before two cells in the same table. They may be the same, to select a single cell.

  • $anchorCell: ResolvedPos
    A resolved position pointing in front of the anchor cell (the one that doesn't move when extending the selection).

  • $headCell: ResolvedPos
    A resolved position pointing in front of the head cell (the one moves when extending the selection).

  • content() → Slice
    Returns a rectangular slice of table rows containing the selected cells.

  • isColSelection() → bool
    True if this selection goes all the way from the top to the bottom of the table.

  • isRowSelection() → bool
    True if this selection goes all the way from the left to the right of the table.

  • static colSelection($anchorCell: ResolvedPos, $headCell: ?ResolvedPos = $anchorCell) → CellSelection
    Returns the smallest column selection that covers the given anchor and head cell.

  • static rowSelection($anchorCell: ResolvedPos, $headCell: ?ResolvedPos = $anchorCell) → CellSelection
    Returns the smallest row selection that covers the given anchor and head cell.

  • static create(doc: Node, anchorCell: number, headCell: ?number = anchorCell) → CellSelection


The following commands can be used to make table-editing functionality available to users.

  • addColumnBefore(state: EditorState, dispatch: ?fn(tr: Transaction)) → bool
    Command to add a column before the column with the selection.

  • addColumnAfter(state: EditorState, dispatch: ?fn(tr: Transaction)) → bool
    Command to add a column after the column with the selection.

  • deleteColumn(state: EditorState, dispatch: ?fn(tr: Transaction)) → bool
    Command function that removes the selected columns from a table.

  • addRowBefore(state: EditorState, dispatch: ?fn(tr: Transaction)) → bool
    Add a table row before the selection.

  • addRowAfter(state: EditorState, dispatch: ?fn(tr: Transaction)) → bool
    Add a table row after the selection.

  • deleteRow(state: EditorState, dispatch: ?fn(tr: Transaction)) → bool
    Remove the selected rows from a table.

  • mergeCells(state: EditorState, dispatch: ?fn(tr: Transaction)) → bool
    Merge the selected cells into a single cell. Only available when the selected cells' outline forms a rectangle.

  • splitCell(state: EditorState, dispatch: ?fn(tr: Transaction)) → bool
    Split a selected cell, whose rowpan or colspan is greater than one, into smaller cells. Use the first cell type for the new cells.

  • splitCellWithType(getType: fn({row: number, col: number, node: Node}) → NodeType) → fn(EditorState, dispatch: ?fn(tr: Transaction)) → bool
    Split a selected cell, whose rowpan or colspan is greater than one, into smaller cells with the cell type (th, td) returned by getType function.

  • setCellAttr(name: string, value: any) → fn(EditorState, dispatch: ?fn(tr: Transaction)) → bool
    Returns a command that sets the given attribute to the given value, and is only available when the currently selected cell doesn't already have that attribute set to that value.

  • toggleHeaderRow(EditorState, dispatch: ?fn(tr: Transaction)) → bool
    Toggles whether the selected row contains header cells.

  • toggleHeaderColumn(EditorState, dispatch: ?fn(tr: Transaction)) → bool
    Toggles whether the selected column contains header cells.

  • toggleHeaderCell(EditorState, dispatch: ?fn(tr: Transaction)) → bool
    Toggles whether the selected cells are header cells.

  • toggleHeader(type: string, options: ?{useDeprecatedLogic: bool}) → fn(EditorState, dispatch: ?fn(tr: Transaction)) → bool
    Toggles between row/column header and normal cells (Only applies to first row/column). For deprecated behavior pass useDeprecatedLogic in options with true.

  • goToNextCell(direction: number) → fn(EditorState, dispatch: ?fn(tr: Transaction)) → bool
    Returns a command for selecting the next (direction=1) or previous (direction=-1) cell in a table.

  • deleteTable(state: EditorState, dispatch: ?fn(tr: Transaction)) → bool
    Deletes the table around the selection, if any.


  • fixTables(state: EditorState, oldState: ?EditorState) → ?Transaction
    Inspect all tables in the given state's document and return a transaction that fixes them, if necessary. If oldState was provided, that is assumed to hold a previous, known-good state, which will be used to avoid re-scanning unchanged parts of the document.

class TableMap

A table map describes the structore of a given table. To avoid recomputing them all the time, they are cached per table node. To be able to do that, positions saved in the map are relative to the start of the table, rather than the start of the document.

  • width: number
    The width of the table

  • height: number
    The table's height

  • map: [number]
    A width * height array with the start position of the cell covering that part of the table in each slot

  • findCell(pos: number) → Rect
    Find the dimensions of the cell at the given position.

  • colCount(pos: number) → number
    Find the left side of the cell at the given position.

  • nextCell(pos: number, axis: string, dir: number) → ?number
    Find the next cell in the given direction, starting from the cell at pos, if any.

  • rectBetween(a: number, b: number) → Rect
    Get the rectangle spanning the two given cells.

  • cellsInRect(rect: Rect) → [number]
    Return the position of all cells that have the top left corner in the given rectangle.

  • positionAt(row: number, col: number, table: Node) → number
    Return the position at which the cell at the given row and column starts, or would start, if a cell started there.

  • static get(table: Node) → TableMap
    Find the table map for the given table node.