
IRC-bot written in Lean (https://leanprover.github.io/)

Primary LanguageLean


I’m using Lean version 3.22.0c (community fork), commit 0ec2a19f1ac9. If you are using older versions of Lean (release ≤3.19.0c), this is will not work because of changes in standard library.

Also netcat is needed. You can try to configure the start using telnet, but I do not guarantee the functionality.

I designed and tested this on Fedora Linux 27 and Ubuntu 18.04. On macOS, this should also work, because this is also a UNIX-like system. On Windows, you can try using cygwin.


lean --run sample-bot.lean <Login> <Password> (default bot—sample-bot.lean—is configured to work with SASL)

Code editing

If you want to edit the source code in GNU Emacs, Visual Studio Code, or another editor, the repository directory must be in LEAN_PATH.