
Tour Of Heroes angular app using prisma api

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Tour of heroes using Prisma API

Setting up your MongoDb

  1. Make sure you have a running MongoDb Server

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository

    git clone https://github.com/yosiasz/tour-of-heroes-prisma
    cd tour-of-heroes-prisma
  2. Client: Install the npm packages

    npm install
    ng serve --open
  3. Server

        cd .\src\server\
        npm i
        Modify docker-compose.yml so that uri points to your MongoDB Server connection string.
                uri: mongodb://prisma:prisma@your.mongodb.server.ip
        docker-compose up -d
        prisma deploy
        node .\prisma\seed.js
        node .\server.js
  4. Go to localhost:4200
