LINQ like functionality for Lua

Primary LanguageLua


This resource adds LINQ-like functionality to lua, giving ability to perform table queries on bulit in lua tables. It's mostly for-fun project, but can be actually useful in some cases. It allows using either anonymous functions in queries, or c# like predicates passed in string form.  

File structure:

  • The resource is made of 3 classes:
    • Enumerable class, it's a main resource class, that implements all query functions.
    • PredicateParser class, it's used to parse string based predicates as anonymous functions, to be used in query functions.
    • KeyValuePair class, it's a small wrapper that's used internally in enumerable dictionaries, giving us ability to sort them and work on them like on lists.

Using it in practice

Example code showing usage of enumerables

    -- This small script will print names of 10 players closest to localPlayer, excluding him.
    local playerPos = {getElementPosition(localPlayer)}
        :Where([[p => p ~= localPlayer]])
        :OrderBy([[e,pPos => 
            local vPos = {getElementPosition(e)};
            return getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(vPos[1],vPos[2],vPos[3],pPos[1],pPos[2],pPos[3])]], playerPos)
        :ForEach([[p => outputChatBox(p)]])
    -- This one will be used to filter a list of random numbers, based on few conditions
    local nums = {}
    for i=1,10000 do
        nums[i] = math.random(1,5000)

    -- Since we know that given table is a list, we can cast it as enumerable and skip the overhead of copying the collection in Enumerable.FromList
    local enum = Enumerable.CastAsEnumerable(nums)
    local filtered = enum
        :Where([[n => n > 1500]]) -- Keep only numbers above 1500
        :OrderBy([[n => n%10]]) -- Order them using their last digit
        :Select([[n => {base = n, inc = n+1}]]) -- cast them to table containing them, and their incremented version
        :ToList() -- convert it back to normal list

    for _,num in ipairs(filtered) do

    -- We can also do some checks using the linq
    local searchedNum = 2000
    if enum:Any([[n,target => n == target]], searchedNum) then
        print("We have our number!")

    -- Or convert them to dictionaries easily
    local dict = enum
        :AsDictionary([[num => "key_"..num, "val_"..num]]) -- table will have form tab["key_num"] = "val_num"
        :ToDictionary() -- Convert to normal dictionary

    for ind,val in pairs(dict) do
        print(ind, val)

All functions availible for Enumerable:

    -- Static functions
    Enumerable.FromList( list ) -- Creates new enumerable from list, doesn't work in place.
    Enumerable.FromDictionary( dict ) -- Same as above, but works on dictionaries.
    Enumerable.CastAsEnumerable( list ) -- Casts list as enumerable, skips overhead of FromList, but works in place.

    -- Normal class functions
    Enumerable:AddRange( range ) -- Adds collection of items to current enumerable, the type of collection should match current enumerable
    Enumerable:Add( tab, value) -- Same as above, but only adds a single item, in case of list it adds tab, if it's dictionary, tab is key and value is value
    Enumerable:ToList() -- Converts current enumerable to normal lua list
    Enumerable:ToDictionary() -- Converts current enumerable to normal lua dictionary
    Enumerable:AsDictionary() -- Uses given predicate to convert current list enumerable into dictionary enumerable
    Enumerable:Keys() -- Works only on dictionary, returns all item keys in enumerable
    Enumerable:Values() -- Works only on dictionary, returns all values of items in enumerable

    Enumerable:Where( pred, ... ) -- Filters the enumerable based on given predicate
    Enumerable:Select( pred, ... ) -- Converts all items in enumerable to new format specified by predicate
    Enumerable:SelectMany( pred, ... ) -- Creates new enumerable containing all items matching given predicate, same as SelectMany in C# LINQ
    Enumerable:Take( num ) -- Creates new enumerable containing num first item of current enumerable
    Enumerable:Skip( num ) -- Creates new enumerable containing all elements except of num first ones
    Enumerable:TakeWhile( pred, ... ) -- Creates new enumerable containing all elements fullfiling given predicate until it hits first not matching one
    Enumerable:SkipWhile( pred, ... ) -- Same as above, but skips those elements instead of adding them
    Enumerable:OrderBy( pred, ... ) -- Orders the enumerable using given predicate, for now works only on numeric values, so no string comparisions
    Enumerable:OrderByDescending( pred, ... ) -- Same as above, order is reverted.
    Enumerable:Reverse() -- Reverses current enumerable
    Enumerable:Distinct() -- Removes all repeating elements in enumerable, keeps only a single copy of everything

    -- Those can be invoked without predicate/function passed to them
    Enumerable:First( pred, ... ) -- Returns first element matching given predicate
    Enumerable:FirstOrDefault( default, pred, ... ) -- Same as above, returns given default value if no matching item found
    Enumerable:Single( pred, ... ) -- Returns only element matching given predicate, raises error if more than 1 item matches it.
    Enumerable:Sum( pred, ... ) -- Returns sum of items, processed by given predicate
    Enumerable:Average( pred, ... ) -- Returns average of items, processed by given predicate
    Enumerable:Min( pred, ... ) -- Return a minimal value from enumerable, processed by give predicate
    Enumerable:Max( pred, ... ) -- Same as above, returns maximal value
    Enumerable:Any( pred, ... ) -- Checks if there is any item fullfiling given predicate
    Enumerable:All( pred, ... ) -- Checks whether all items in enumerable fullfil given predicate

    Enumerable:ForEach( pred, ... ) -- Invokes given function with every item passed to it as argument
    Enumerable:Count() -- Returns current count of items in enumerable


Kamil Marciniak <github.com/forkerer> wrote this code. As long as you retain this notice, you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet someday, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.