
Demo application for "WTF is Suspense?!"

Primary LanguageTypeScript

wtf is React Suspense

Three approaches to data fetching 1. Fetch-On-Render ex: useEffect 2. Fetch-Then-Render ex: 3. Render-As-You-Fetch ex:

React concurrent features (formerly Concurrent Mode)

  • <Suspense>
  • React.lazy
  • startTransition
  • useTransition
  • useDeferredValue

React Suspense

Error Boundaries catch errors, Suspense Boundaries catch promises

<Suspense> & React.lazy can be used in tandem to lazy load typescript modules.

import { Suspense, lazy } from 'react';

const UserProfile = lazy(() => import('./components/user-profile'));

const App = () => {
  return (
    <Suspense fallback={<div>loading user profile...</div>}>
      <UserProfile />

Basic Suspense Resource

A Suspense compatible resource needs to return an object with a read() method. Calling this method will either throw a promise, error, or return the resulting data.

// src/wrap-promise.ts
enum Status {
  pending = 'PENDING',
  success = 'SUCCESS',
  error = 'ERROR',

export const wrapPromise = <T>(promise: Promise<T>) => {
  let status: Status = Status.pending;
  let result: T;

  let suspender = promise.then(
    (res) => {
      status = Status.success;
      result = res;
    (err) => {
      status = Status.error;
      result = err;
  return {
    read() {
      switch (status) {
        case Status.pending:
          throw suspender;
        case Status.error:
          throw result;
        case Status.success:
          return result;
// color fetch handler
const fetchColor = () => {
  return fetch('https://www.colr.org/json/color/random')
    .then((res) => res.json())
    .then((res: ColrResponse) => {
      // grab the first color returned
      const [color] = res.colors;
      // data can be modified in the resource
      return {
        // append 'FF' to convert to rgba with 100% opacity
        hex: '#' + color.hex + 'FF',
        // grab a random tag
        name: color.tags.map((tag) => tag.name)[
          Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) % color.tags.length

export const fetchColorData = wrapPromise(fetchColor());

Class Based Suspense Resource

An extensible base class BaseResource can be defined and then extended for different types of resources.

abstract class BaseResource<T> {
  data!: T;
  status = Status.pending;
  error: any = undefined;
  promise: Promise<void> | null = null;

  read() {
    switch (this.status) {
      case Status.pending:
        throw this.promise;
      case Status.error:
        throw this.error;
      case Status.success:
        return this.data;

BaseResource can be extended to match the functionality of wrapPromise. Simply define a constructor, call super(), and provide a value for this.promise.

export class AsyncResource<Q = any> extends BaseResource<Q> {
  constructor(promise: Promise<Q>) {
    this.promise = promise.then(
      (data) => {
        this.status = ResourceStatus.success;
        this.data = data;
      (error) => {
        this.status = ResourceStatus.error;
        this.data = error;

The constructor can accept any data to meet the needs of the resource. Here is an example showing a custom resource for graphql that acccepts an Apollo query.

// src/resource.ts
export class GraphqlResource<T> extends BaseResource<T> {
  constructor(query: DocumentNode) {
    this.promise = client.query({ query, fetchPolicy: 'network-only' }).then(
      (response) => {
        this.status = ResourceStatus.success;
        this.data = response.data;
      (error) => {
        this.status = ResourceStatus.error;
        this.data = error;
// src/resources/spacex-launches

// query to fetch 10 space-x launch records
export const GET_LAUNCHES = gql`
  query GetLaunches {
    launchesPast(limit: 10) {
      launch_site {
      rocket {


export default function launchResource() {
  return new GraphqlResource(GET_LAUNCHES)

What is it? When was it created? By whom? Benefits 1. remove boilerplate 2. improves readability 3. is more declarative 4. can improve performance Caveats 1. Data fetching with suspense is still experimental.

Can we use Suspense in our stack yet? Yes! But only for lazy loading dynamic imports in Next.js


