
RSSchool React Final Project

Primary LanguageTypeScript

GraphiQL is a playground/IDE for graphQL requests.

Getting Started

The project is built with NodeJS version v18.18.2. Before installing dependencies, it is recommended to install correct Node Version. It is recommended to use NVM for Node Version management.

Install all dependencies using npm command:

nvm use # Use version specified in .nvmrc
npm ci # Clean install

Start Development

npm run dev

Run tests

npm run test
npm run test:watch # Run in watch-mode
npm run test:coverage # Run in coverage mode
npm run test:coverage:ui # Run in coverage mode with UI server

Formatting and linting

npm run lint # Check linting
npm run lint -- --fix # Fix linting
npm run format:check # Check formatting issues
npm run format:fix # Fix formatting issues

Coding Guidelines

  • Write code as simply as possible: KISS
  • Avoid unnecessary repetition: DRY
  • Delete what is not needed: YAGNI
  • Comply with SOLID