
Some useful extensions for phpunit.

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Write attribute extension

It is simple extension which allows to access protected properties. It is like readAttribute shipped with phpunit.


class Foo
    protected $id;
    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

class FooTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    use \Fp\PhpunitExtension\WriteAttributeTrait;

    public function testReturnExpectedId()
        $foo = new Foo;
        $this->writeAttribute($foo, 'id', 10);

        $this->assertEquals(10, $foo->getId());
        $this->writeIdAttribute($foo, 20);
        $this->assertEquals(20, $foo->getId());

Stub extension


class Foo
    public function __construct($anArgument) {}

    public function bar() {}
    public function baz($a) {}

class FooTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    use \Fp\PhpunitExtension\StubTrait;

    public function testFoo()
        $fooStub = $this->getStub('Foo', array(
            'bar' => 'barResult',
            'baz' => $this->returnValueMap(array(
                array('theArg', 'bazResult')

        $this->assertEquals('barResult', $fooStub->bar());
        $this->assertEquals('bazResult', $fooStub->baz('theArg'));

As you can see the constructor is overwritten. You can define returned values or pass instance of PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Stub. There is an issue at phpunit.

Fumocker extension

This extension could be used to mock function. For that you have to install fp\fumocker lib first.


class FooTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    use \Fp\PhpunitExtension\SetUpTrait;
    use \Fp\PhpunitExtension\Fumocker\FumockerTrait;

    public function setUp()
    public function tearDown()

    public function testFoo()
        $expectedEmailTo = 'admin@example.com';
         * @var $mock \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
        $mock = $this->getFunctionMock('Namespace/Where/Tested/Class/Is', 'mail');

        //test your Namespace/Where/Tested/Class/Is/Foo class