jReject - jQuery Browser Rejection Plugin
Created by Steven Bower TurnWheel Designs (2009-2013)
Concept based on "IE6 Upgrade Warning" library.
View doc.html for documentation and examples, or visit jreject.turnwheel.com
Versions: Supports jQuery 1.4+ Tested on 1.9 and 2.0.0-beta1
This library is dual licensed under the MIT and GPLv2 licenses.
Default Options:
options = {
reject : { // Rejection flags for specific browsers
all: false, // Covers Everything (Nothing blocked)
msie5: true, msie6: true // Covers MSIE 5-6 (Blocked by default)
* Possibilities are endless...
* // MSIE Flags (Global, 5-8)
* msie, msie5, msie6, msie7, msie8,
* // Firefox Flags (Global, 1-3)
* firefox, firefox1, firefox2, firefox3,
* // Konqueror Flags (Global, 1-3)
* konqueror, konqueror1, konqueror2, konqueror3,
* // Chrome Flags (Global, 1-4)
* chrome, chrome1, chrome2, chrome3, chrome4,
* // Safari Flags (Global, 1-4)
* safari, safari2, safari3, safari4,
* // Opera Flags (Global, 7-10)
* opera, opera7, opera8, opera9, opera10,
* // Rendering Engines (Gecko, Webkit, Trident, KHTML, Presto)
* gecko, webkit, trident, khtml, presto,
* // Operating Systems (Win, Mac, Linux, Solaris, iPhone)
* win, mac, linux, solaris, iphone,
* unknown // Unknown covers everything else
// What browsers to display and their order
display: ['chrome', 'firefox', 'safari', 'opera', 'gcf', 'msie'],
browserShow: true, // Should the browser options be shown?
browserInfo: { // Settings for which browsers to display
firefox: {
text: 'Mozilla Firefox', // Text below the icon
url: 'http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/' // URL For icon/text link
chrome: {
text: 'Google Chrome',
url: 'http://www.google.com/chrome/'
safari: {
text: 'Safari 5',
url: 'http://www.apple.com/safari/download/'
opera: {
text: 'Opera 12',
url: 'http://www.opera.com/download/'
msie: {
text: 'Internet Explorer 9',
url: 'http://www.microsoft.com/windows/Internet-explorer/'
gcf: {
text: 'Google Chrome Frame',
url: 'http://code.google.com/chrome/chromeframe/',
// This browser option will only be displayed for MSIE
allow: { all: false, msie: true }
// Header of pop-up window
header: 'Did you know that your Internet Browser is out of date?',
// Paragraph 1
paragraph1: 'Your browser is out of date, and may not be compatible with '+
'our website. A list of the most popular web browsers can be '+
'found below.',
// Paragraph 2
paragraph2: 'Just click on the icons to get to the download page',
close: true, // Allow closing of window
// Message displayed below closing link
closeMessage: 'By closing this window you acknowledge that your experience '+
'on this website may be degraded',
closeLink: 'Close This Window', // Text for closing link
closeURL: '#', // Close URL
closeESC: true, // Allow closing of window with esc key
// If cookies should be used to remmember if the window was closed
// See cookieSettings for more options
closeCookie: false,
// Cookie settings are only used if closeCookie is true
cookieSettings: {
// Path for the cookie to be saved on
// Should be root domain in most cases
path: '/',
// Expiration Date (in seconds)
// 0 (default) means it ends with the current session
expires: 0
imagePath: './images/', // Path where images are located
overlayBgColor: '#000', // Background color for overlay
overlayOpacity: 0.8, // Background transparency (0-1)
// Fade in time on open ('slow','medium','fast' or integer in ms)
fadeInTime: 'fast',
// Fade out time on close ('slow','medium','fast' or integer in ms)
fadeOutTime: 'fast',
// Google Analytics Link Tracking (Optional)
// Set to true to enable
// Note: Analytics tracking code must be added separately
analytics: false
Run On load (Default Options): $(function() { $.reject(); });