
Use testcafe-react-selectors on Next.js production build

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Use testcafe-react-selectors on Next.js production build

Next.js + testcafe-react-selectors

Use testcafe-react-selectors in your Next.js project on a production build.

Due to uglify some information needed by testcafe-react-selectors are stripped out in the production build. With this plugin you can create a build with this information intact.


npm install --save next-testcafe-build


yarn add next-testcafe-build

Usage with environment variables

Create a next.config.js

const withTestcafeBuild = require("next-testcafe-build");

module.exports = withTestcafeBuild({
  testcafeBuild: process.env.BUILD_TARGET === 'testcafe'

Then you can run this command:

# build for testing with testcafe-react-selectors
BUILD_TARGET=testcafe yarn build

# normal production build
yarn build