A program for ATtiny2313(A)
to control LED lighting brightness using a rotary encoder.
The program can be build in one for two profiles:
profile uses anATtiny2313
profile uses anATtiny2313A
The brightness levels and bounce periods are also different in the two profiles.
ATtiny 2313 (Lena)
ATtiny 2313A (Saxa)
┌───┐ ┌───┐
(RESET/dW) PA2─┤1 ╰─╯ 20├─VCC
(RXD) PD0─┤2 19├─PB7 (UCSK/SCL/PCINT7)
(TXD) PD1─┤3 18├─PB6 (MISO/DO/PCINT6)
(XTAL1) PA0─┤5 16├─PB4 (OC1B/PCINT4)
Encoder CLK → (INT0) PD2─┤6 15├─PB3 (OC1A/PCINT3) → LED
Encoder DT → (INT1) PD3─┤7 14├─PB2 (OC0A/PCINT2)
(T0) PD4─┤8 13├─PB1 (AIN1/PCINT1)
(OC0B/T1) PD5─┤9 12├─PB0 (AIN0/PCINT0)
Encoder GND → GND─┤10 11├─PD6 (ICP)
(modified)fuse bits value state description CKDIV8 7 1 modified 8× prescaling disabled CKOUT 6 1 default clock output disabled SUT 5..4 10 default slowly rising power CKSEL 3..0 0100 default internal RC oscillator 8 MHz -
(default)fuse bits value state description DWEN 7 1 default debugWire disabled EESAVE 6 1 default do not preserve EEPROM when flashing SPIEN 5 0 default serial programming enabled WDTON 4 1 default watchdog safety level 1 BODLEVEL 3..1 111 default BOD disabled RSTDISBL 0 1 default reset enabled -
(default)fuse bits value state description (unused) 7..1 1111111 default SELFPRGEN 0 1 default self-programming disabled
To program the fuses, use fuse.sh
avrdude -c usbasp-clone -p t2313 -B 250kHz -U lfuse:w:0xE4:m
To flash the controller, use flash-saxa.sh
or flash-lena.sh
depending on the profile.
16-bit PWM channel A (pin PB3
) is used in Fast PWM 8-bit mode to control the LEDs' brightness.
The PWM frequency is 8 Mhz / 2⁸ = 31.25 kHz.
While, an 8-bit PWM could be used instead, 16-bit PWM allows more flexibility if needed.
The PWM levels are defined by the levels
table locating in levels.asm
file where each level value takes 2 bytes.
is generated by levels.py
The true pulse width is by 1 cycle greater than the PWM level value.
The level value 0 does not switch off the LEDs completely. It corresponds to the pulse width of 1 / 256. In order to switch off the LEDs, the program turns off the PWM mode when the level index is 0.
To make the transistor open properly, the minimum pulse width should be about 3 cycles (375 ns), so, the minimal non-zero level value is 2.
Gamma correction is used for the level values. The gamma
value, andlevel_count
can be set in levels.py
= 23, gamma
= 2.5:
A rotary encoder is used to change the PWM levels. It is connected to PD2
and PD3
pins of the controller.
When inactive, both encoder pins (clk
and dt
) have high level (logical one).
The program waits until there's low level (logical zero) on both pins, then determines the rotation direction by noticing which of the pins turns to logical one first.
In order to mitigate contact bouncing, each signal level on the encoder pins should be kept at least for debouncing_period
(100 µs).
When the encoder is inactive for sleep_time
(about 1 s), the controller enters the sleep mode.
If the PWM level is 0 (the LEDs are switched off), the deepest Power Down sleep mode is used. Otherwise, the Idle sleep mode is used allowing the PWM to work.
The pins the rotary encoder is connected to (PD2
and PD3
) are also used as external interrupt sources (INT0
and INT1
) which can wake up the controller from sleep when the decoder is turned.
The interrupts are disabled during normal operation and enabled during sleep.