
My attempt at Kaggle's TensorFlow Speech Recognition Challenge

Primary LanguagePython

TensorFlow Speech Recognition Challenge

Can you build an algorithm that understands simple speech commands?

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My attempt at Kaggle's TensorFlow speech recognition challenge

Home grown architecture

alt text

  • Convolution layers: 3x3 kernels with valid padding
  • Max pool layers: 2x2 with stride 2
  • First convolution layer: 32 filters
  • Subsequent convolution layers double number of filters
  • Dropout layer: trained at 0.4
  • First fully connected layer: 128 units
  • Second fully connected layer: 64 units
layer output shape parameters
conv1 (97, 159, 32) 320
pool1 (97, 159, 32) 0
conv2 (46, 77, 64) 576
pool2 (23, 38, 64) 0
conv3 (21, 36, 128) 1,152
pool3 (10, 18, 128) 0
conv4 (8, 16, 512) 4,608
pool4 (4, 8, 512) 0
flat (16384) 0
dense4 (128) 2,097,280
dense5 (64) 8,256
softmax (10) 650
TOTAL 2,112,842

Learning progress

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