
The official set of Fōrmulæ files that encompasses the Fōrmulæ website.




Fōrmulæ is a very unusual programming language, it is not textual but structural. It has the advantage that every construct ‒or 'expression'‒ of the language can have its own method of visualization. In fact, there are expressions having more than one form of visualization, so final users can choose which of them will be used.

Furthermore, this extends beyond programming expressions. For example, you can create documents containing text, formatting options, tables, hyperlinks, media files, Fōrmulæ code, etc.

The entire Fōrmulæ website content, such as the main page, examples, reference, tutorials, articles, etc. are not in HTML format but in Fōrmulæ format itself.

Even though Fōrmulæ expressions are defined structurally, textual representation of such those expressions can be generated, in order to be stored or transported. The most common format for textual representations is XML, but it could be also JSON or others.


This repository contains the official set of XML files of the entire Fōrmulæ website.

Please notice that the repository contains only directories and XML files, you can see the ‒raw‒ XML format of course, but if you want to see how these documents look, see them in the Fōrmulæ website.