![alt text][logo] [logo]: http://deviceplus.ranjitmohanty.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/arduino-bike1-1.png "Logo Title Text 2"
This project upgrades your bike’s light and take it to the next level such that the backlight of the bike notify other riders with your riding turning direction automatically.
Blinking towards the direction of turning in green ( e.g. Turning to the Left or the Right ) Turns to red color incase of riding in forward direction.
Arduino Microcontroller (e.g. UNO or Nano )
Accelerometer ( e.g. Sparkfun MMA845Q )
Adafruit Neopixel stick ( or you can build one on your own using ws2812b LEDs )
Resistors ( e.g 330 ohm )
Schematics and documentation are down in the link below