Ansible installation

CSLE can be installed in two ways: (1) by manually executing the installation commands described in the documentation; and (2) through Ansible. The recommended way to install CSLE is with Ansible as it automates repetitive tasks and simplifies management of the installation. This folder contains configuration files and ansible playbooks for installing CSLE.

Ansible documentation can be found at

Installing Ansible

Ansible can be installed by running the command:

pip install ansible

Configuring the installation

Before starting the CSLE installation, open the file XXX and configure the following variables:

  • user
  • todo

Installing CSLE

To install CSLE with ansible, run the following commands:

ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass installing_the_management_system.yml


If the installation fails at some step, you can debug the reason for the failure by adding the following line to the Ansible playbook. First, we register a variable that holds a dictionary of the output for the module in that task. In the given example git_installation is this variable. In the next lines, we use debug to print the variable.

- name: Installation of git
      name: git
    register: git_installation
- debug:
    var: git_installation

Author & Maintainer

Kim Hammar

Forough Shahab

Copyright and license


Creative Commons

(C) 2020-2024, Kim Hammar