This document describes how to install the Virtual Application Environment 
System onto a physical machine, or a virtual machine.

In order to install the system, you will need:
	- Packaged files for the system ( vaes-20Apr2010-02-48-12.tar.bz2 ) 
	  found on this CD
	- A machine running OpenSolaris 2009.06
	- Access to the OpenSolaris 2009.06 repository (online or local)
	- Installing the system
	- Installing an application
	- Using an installed application

Installation of the system:
1) Place the packaged files onto your machine running OpenSolaris 2009.06.
2) Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory the packaged files
   are in.
3) Unpackage the files with the following commands:
	$ bunzip2 vaes-20Apr2010-02-48-12.tar.bz2
	$ tar -xf vaes-20Apr2010-02-48-12.tar
4) In the same terminal window with root privileges, execute the
   following command:
	# bash
   While the zone is installing, you may open a new terminal window and run
   the following command to watch the installation progress:
	$ tail -f /tmp/zone_install_progress
5) The script will notify you when it has finished.

Installation of software:
1) As a user with root privileges, search for the desired package using the 
   following command in a terminal window:
	# pkg search <package>
2) As a user with root privileges, install the package found using the 
   following command:
	# pkg install <package>
3) View output on screen and wait until the process is complete
4) The application is now installed

To use installed software:
1) As your normal user, simply execute the normal command for the application
   you wish to launch.  For example, if you wish to launch"openoffice.org3", 
   run the following command:
	$ openoffice.org3
2) When instructed, insert your password
3) Use application as normal