
The reddit open source fork powering SaidIt

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Image of Saidit logo

SaidIt is a reddit open source continuation and fork with:

  • critical configurations restored
  • critical bug fixes
  • admin user bans and ip bans
  • configurable site branding
  • configurable home page
  • enhanced expandos/embeds: more media providers, direct media links, used in comments, sidebars and wiki pages

SaidIt customizations include:

  • two dimensional voting where insightful is +2 and fun is +1
  • public moderator logs
  • chat integration with a custom TheLounge web IRC client


  • easily setup your own saidit/reddit open source clone
  • platform upgrades, longevity
  • enhancements and quality of life improvements
  • reddit API compatibility


There are two ways to set up a saidit server: on a standalone physical server, or through a Virtual Machine environment (running within another OS such as linux, MacOS, or Windows) for development and testing purposes.

Setting up a virtual machine

  1. Download and install VirtualBox
  2. Download the latest Ubuntu 14.04 server .iso file "64-bit PC (AMD64) server install image"
  3. Start VirtualBox and click 'New'
    1. Type: Linux
    2. Version: Ubuntu (64-bit)
    3. Memory Size: 4000 MB (minimum)
    4. File location and size: 30.0 GB (minimim)
  4. Right click the new VM and choose 'Settings'
    1. Network: Adapter 1: Attached to: "Bridged Adapter"
    2. Storage: select the empty CD icon and click "Choose Virtual Optical Disk File" and choose the ubuntu server .iso file
  5. Select the new VM and click 'Start'
  6. Install Ubuntu and choose following options, but leaving all other options with the default selection:
    1. Username: reddit
    2. Choose software to install: select OpenSSH, but no others
  7. Complete Ubuntu installation

From this point forward you can start your VM with Start -> Headless Start and connect via ssh as user 'reddit' if you wish, using a program like PuTTY. Don't forget to shut down your VM by right clicking it and choosing Close -> ACPI Shutdown before shutting down your host OS or you may corrupt your VM.

Setting up a physical server

  1. Download the latest Ubuntu 14.04 server .ISO file "64-bit PC (AMD64) server install image"
  2. Download Rufus (as recommended by Ubuntu) and use it to write the .ISO to a USB drive
  3. Once finished, put the USB drive in the server and boot to it
  4. Install Ubuntu with the following options, but leaving all other options with the default selection:
    1. Username: reddit
    2. Choose software to install: select OpenSSH, but no others
  5. When install finishes, remove USB drive and boot to linux

From this point forward physical access to the server is no longer needed and you can ssh in as the 'reddit' user remotely if you wish, using a program like PuTTY.

Configure DNS for reddit.local

To use your reddit server, you are expected to be able to resolve reddit.local and https://reddit.local. First, find the ip address of your saidit server by running:

$ ifconfig
# note the 'inet addr' for device 'eth0' or similar

Then update your hosts file on your development machine/host OS. For example, on linux with saidit server ip run:

$ sudo sed -i '1i reddit.local' /etc/hosts

For Windows and MacOS see https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/27350/beginner-geek-how-to-edit-your-hosts-file/

Install SaidIt

SSH into your saidit server

$ ssh reddit@reddit.local

Install SaidIt

$ wget https://raw.github.com/libertysoft3/saidit/master/install-reddit.sh
$ chmod +x install-reddit.sh
$ sudo ./install-reddit.sh

You should see success message "Congratulations! reddit is now installed." Do not proceed if the installation failed with an error.

Visit https://reddit.local and create accounts for users 'reddit' and 'automoderator'. Alternatively, you can install some default/sample data including users 'reddit' and 'automoderator' (with password 'password'), subs, posts, and comments with:

$ reddit-run ~/src/reddit/scripts/inject_test_data.py -c 'inject_test_data()'

SaidIt is now fully functional aside from search and optional chat. The SaidIt Admin Guide has instructions for changing your site configuration.

Install search

SaidIt comes pre-configured for Solr search, but Solr and Tomcat are not installed yet.

Install Solr

$ cd ~
$ sudo apt-get install tomcat7 tomcat7-admin software-properties-common
$ wget http://archive.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr/4.10.4/solr-4.10.4.tgz
$ tar -xvzf solr-4.10.4.tgz
$ sudo mv solr-4.10.4 /usr/share/solr
$ sudo chown -R tomcat7:tomcat7 /usr/share/solr/example

Setup Solr, install Reddit schema

$ sudo cp /usr/share/solr/example/webapps/solr.war /usr/share/solr/example/solr/
$ sudo cp /usr/share/solr/example/lib/ext/* /usr/share/tomcat7/lib/
$ sudo cp /usr/share/solr/example/resources/log4j.properties /usr/share/tomcat7/lib/
$ sudo cp src/reddit/solr/schema4.xml /usr/share/solr/example/solr/collection1/conf/schema.xml
$ sudo chown tomcat7:tomcat7 /usr/share/solr/example/solr/collection1/conf/schema.xml

Setup Tomcat for Solr

$ sudo nano /usr/share/tomcat7/lib/log4j.properties
# edit to set:

$ sudo nano /etc/tomcat7/Catalina/localhost/solr.xml
# add content:
<Context docBase="/usr/share/solr/example/solr/solr.war" debug="0" crossContext="true">
  <Environment name="solr/home" type="java.lang.String" value="/usr/share/solr/example/solr" override="true" />

# have tomcat use port 8983 ('solr_port' in example.ini), port 8080 is haproxy
sudo nano /etc/tomcat7/server.xml
# edit to set:
<Connector port="8983" protocol="HTTP/1.1"

# Solr is missing some required stuff:
$ sudo touch /usr/share/solr/solr.log
$ sudo mkdir /usr/share/tomcat7/temp
$ sudo chown tomcat7:tomcat7 /usr/share/solr/solr.log
$ sudo chown tomcat7:tomcat7 /usr/share/tomcat7/temp

# verify tomcat all good (ignore warnings):
$ /usr/share/tomcat7/bin/configtest.sh

Start solr:

$ sudo service tomcat7 restart
# any errors logged must be fixed
$ sudo cat /var/log/tomcat7/catalina.out
# verify working, these should return html pages:
$ wget
$ wget

Index site content and test:

$ sudo start reddit-job-solr_subreddits
$ sudo start reddit-job-solr_links
# do a search on the site, verify working

Optional: SaidIt Chat

In a production environments, irc and related services should be run by a dedicated unix user for security.

Install unreal irc server

$ sudo apt-get install make gcc build-essential openssl libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev zlibc libgcrypt11 libgcrypt11-dev
# UPDATE to the latest stable release
$ wget https://www.unrealircd.org/unrealircd4/unrealircd-4.2.3.tar.gz
$ tar xzvf unrealircd-4.2.3.tar.gz
$ cd unrealircd-4.2.3/
$ ./Config
# Press [Enter] a bunch of times, press space to read the license, wait for configuration tasks
# For "Do you want to generate an SSL certificate for the IRCd?" respond "No"
$ make
$ make install

Configure unreal:

$ cd ~/unrealircd
$ cp conf/examples/example.conf conf/unrealircd.conf
$ nano conf/unrealircd.conf
  # change 'oper bobsmith' to `oper ircoperator`
  # change 'password "test";' to a unique password
  # add 2 more keys to section 'cloak-keys'
  # set 'kline-address' to a valid email address
  # set 'maxchannelsperuser' t0 50
  # in 'allow' block for ip '*@*' change 'maxperip' to 10

Also add a new allow block (after the '@' block):

allow { ip *@; class clients; maxperip 50000; };

in the final 'set' block 'Server specific configuration', near the end of , add:

ssl {
    certificate "/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem";
    key "/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key";

Also add the following before ulines for anope services:

link services.reddit.local
    incoming {
            mask *@;
    outgoing {
            bind-ip *; /* or explicitly an IP */
            hostname services.reddit.local;
            port 6900;
            options { ssl; };
    password "my-services-password-1234";
    class servers;

Also change ulines to:

ulines {

Setup SSL cert permissions, start unreal, and cleanup:

$ sudo usermod -aG ssl-cert reddit
$ sudo usermod -aG ssl-cert irc
$ ./unrealircd start
$ rm -rf ~/unrealircd-4.2.3*

Install anope IRC services

This provides ListServ, ChanServ, etc.

$ cd ~
$ sudo apt-get install cmake build-essential
# update version number to the latest stable release:
$ wget https://github.com/anope/anope/releases/download/2.0.6/anope-2.0.6-source.tar.gz
$ tar xzvf anope-2.0.6-source.tar.gz
$ cd anope-2.0.6-source
$ ./Config
# press [Enter] a bunch, accept defaults
$ cd build/
$ make
$ make install

Configure anope:

$ cd ~/services/conf/
$ cp nickserv.example.conf nickserv.conf
$ nano nickserv.conf
  # set guestnickprefix = "guest" (for The Lounge autconnect feature)
$ cp operserv.example.conf operserv.conf
$ nano operserv.conf
  # NOTE: insecure if you allow outside access to IRC/6667, instead just change maxsessionlimit only and later run:
  #    /msg OperServ exception add +0 50000 Allow many localhost TheLounge clients
  # set defaultsessionlimit = 50000, maxsessionlimit = 50000 (since everyone connects from localhost)
$ cp example.conf services.conf
$ nano services.conf
  # note: not using SSL since connecting to localhost
  # set uplink::port to 6667
  # set uplink::password to 'my-services-password-1234'
  # set serverinfo::name to services.reddit.local
  # comment out the botserv include, search for `botserv.example.conf`
  # change `nickserv.example.conf` to `nickserv.conf`
  # change `operserv.example.conf` to `operserv.conf`
  # change `inspircd20` (in `module`) to `unreal4`

add this oper section near the existing disabled ones:

    name = "ircoperator"
    type = "Services Root"
    require_oper = yes

start anope and cleanup:

$ cd ~/services/bin
$ ./services
$ rm -rf ~/anope-2.0.6*

Install TheLounge web IRC client

$ cd ~
$ git clone https://github.com/libertysoft3/lounge-autoconnect.git
$ cd lounge-autoconnect
# update to the latest autoconnect branch
$ git checkout v2.4.0-autoconnect
$ npm install
$ NODE_ENV=production npm run build
$ node index config
# [ESC] : q to quit

configure TheLounge, SSL cert paths may need to be adjusted:

$ nano ~/.lounge/config.js
# edit to match:
#   public: false,
#   port: 2053,
#   theme: "themes/zenburn.css",
#   prefetch: true,
#   prefetchStorage: true,
#   prefetchMaxImageSize: 2048,
#   lockNetwork: true,
#   defaults { name: "saiditDEV", host: "", nick: "guest", username: "guest", realname: "Guest", join: "#home" }
#   https: { enable: true, key: "/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key", certificate: "/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem" }

add an intial user so the server will start:

$ cd ~/lounge-autoconnect
$ node index add firstuser
# use a throwaway password, don't log to disk

start TheLounge:

$ cd ~/lounge-autoconnect
$ nohup npm start ./ > thelounge.log 2>&1 &

SaidIt Dev Guide

Locally mounting VM or server files

$ sudo apt-get install sshfs
$ mkdir ~/vm
$ sshfs reddit@reddit.local:/home/reddit/src/reddit ~/vm
# optionally unmount it later with:
$ fusermount -u ~/vm


$ sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog
> g.log.warning("hello log")


Set profile_directory in development.update to an absolute path and create the directory first. cProfile results can be viewed with pstats.

Memory by process

ps aux  | awk '{print $6/1024 " MB\t\t" $11}'  | sort -n

Installation profiles


$ sudo INSTALL_PROFILE=app ./install/reddit.sh

installs the web and application tiers, including: nginx, haproxy, gunicorn, mcrouter, memcached (for stalecaches), and r2. no cron jobs or app services run.

app server(s) development.update configuration:

main_db =      reddit,   remote-ip, *,    *,    *,    *,    *
cassandra_seeds = remote-ip:9160
lockcaches = remote-ip:11211
permacache_memcaches = remote-ip:11211
stalecaches =
hardcache_memcaches = remote-ip:11211
amqp_host = remote-ip:5672
activity_endpoint = remote-ip:9002
geoip_location = http://remote-ip:5000
solr_search_host = remote-ip
solr_doc_host = remote-ip
solr_subreddit_search_host = remote-ip
solr_subreddit_doc_host = remote-ip
# ensure these settings match the backend:
# precompute_limit, precompute_limit_hot, hot_period_seconds, hot_max_links_per_subreddit 

app server(s) misc. configuration:

  • /etc/mcrouter/global.conf set your remote memcached server ip(s) in servers
  • /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg for backend media set server nginx remote-ip:9000 maxconn 20
  • /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg for backend pixel set server nginx remote-ip:8082 maxconn 20

ensure backend server(s) development.update configuration:

cassandra_seeds = remote-interface-ip:9160
amqp_host = remote-interface-ip:5672
activity_endpoint = remote-interface-ip:9002
geoip_location = http://remote-interface-ip:5000

ensure backend server(s) misc. configuration:

  • firewalls: open ports 5000/geoip, 5432/postgres, 5672/amqp/rabbitmq, 8082/pixel/click, 8983/solr, 9000/media, 9002/activity, 9160/cassandra, 11211/memcached as needed for trusted ips
  • /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf listen_addresses = '*' to listen on all interfaces
  • /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml
    • - seeds: "remote-interface-ip"
    • listen_address: remote-interface-ip
    • rpc_address: to listen on all interfaces
  • /etc/memcached.conf omit -l to listen on all interfaces
  • /etc/init/reddit-activity.conf --bind remote-interface-ip:9002
  • /etc/gunicorn.d/geoip.conf --bind=remote-interface-ip:5000

SaidIt Admin Guide

Updating configuration

$ cd ~/src/reddit/r2
$ nano development.update
$ make ini
$ sudo reddit-restart

Override example.ini settings in development.update. Changes to section [live_config] can be applied with reddit-flush rather than reddit-restart.

Updating/refreshing CSS and static assets

For production environments where uncompressedJS = false

$ cd ~/src/reddit/r2
$ ./refresh-css.sh

Set the default subs

$ cd ~/src/reddit/r2
$ paster shell run.ini
# paste the following, hit enter:
from r2.models import *
srs = [Subreddit._by_name(n) for n in ("pics", "videos", "science", "technology")]

Production configuration

reddit open source

  • development.update settings
    • debug = false
    • uncompressedJS = false
    • db_pass = not-password, and update it in /etc/cron.d/reddit as well
    • Change the [secrets] section
  • Use the gunicorn application server not paster. Edit /etc/init/reddit-paster.conf and workers in development.update. Run $ sudo service reddit-paster stop before changing the service and $ sudo initctl reload-configuration after.
  • Change the password for installer created users reddit and automoderator (their default password is 'password')


  • Ensure swap space is configured, check $ free -h
  • Make sure you OS file limits are high, want > 1024 for $ ulimit -Hn and $ ulimit -Sn
  • Configure fail2ban
  • Configure the firewall, need at least ports 22 and 443 open
  • If you want email, install something like postfix and enable reddit-job-email in /etc/cron.d/reddit
  • Make backups by adding a cron job for scripts/saidit-backup.sh

Certbot/LetsEncrypt SSL Certificates

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install certbot
$ sudo certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns -d you.net -d www.you.net -d m.you.net -d oauth.you.net
$ sudo usermod -aG ssl-cert reddit
$ sudo usermod -aG ssl-cert irc
$ sudo chown -h reddit:ssl-cert /etc/letsencrypt/live/you.net/privkey.pem
$ sudo chmod g+r /etc/letsencrypt/live/you.net/privkey.pem

Re-configure your services for your new cert:


Renew your cert every 90 days:

$ sudo certbot renew

SSL upgrade, for improved "Suggest Title" compatibility

Upgrade curl

Ubuntu 14 comes with curl 7.35.0. Upgrade it for improved SSL compatibility, particularly for "suggest title" and other remote fetching.

$ sudo apt-get remove curl libcurl3
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
# substitute version from https://curl.haxx.se/download.html
$ wget https://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-7.65.1.tar.bz2
$ tar -xvjf curl-7.65.1.tar.bz2
$ cd curl-7.65.1
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig
$ curl --version
$ cd ..
$ rm -rf curl-7.65.1*

Upgrade python

Ubuntu 14 LTS provides python 2.7.6 but it's upgradable to at least 2.7.16 which modernizes SSL support.

WARNING: this currently breaks Cython dependencies in reddit PPAs/repos, so install-reddit.sh will fail with this upgrade in place. Don't upgrade until you have completed installation.

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/python-2.7
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python2.7
$ python --version

Rebuild reddit open source

$ sudo apt-get install python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev
$ cd ~/src/reddit/r2
$ sudo reddit-stop
$ python setup.py build
$ sudo python setup.py develop
$ make clean
$ make build/mangle-buildstamp
$ make -j $(nproc)
$ sudo reddit-start
$ sudo reddit-flush

Additional documentation

See also